漫游千岛 欢欣甜梦

既然是喜来登的老员工,当黎先生说起喜来登,真是如何都忍不住重点赞叹一下甜梦之床!喜来登的“甜梦之床” (Sheraton Sweet Sleeper™)是喜来登专门为酒店客人定做的寝具,非常柔软舒适。黎先生非常坦率地从专业角度表达了他对甜梦之床的感情,他无数次从熟客那里听闻他们对这一床品的留恋,也无数次从新客人那里听到慕名而来的赞赏和满意,甜梦之床已经是酒店品牌和客人之间一条柔韧的纽带,从市场营销角度来说,这无疑是喜来登这一品牌的一次非常成功而长远的策略。绿城千岛湖喜来登度假酒店拥有249间客房和套房,每一间均可饱览千岛湖碧水蓝天、葱郁怡人的花园与秀丽的叠翠山峦。所有客房空间宽敞、设计时尚,当然,一如既往地配有超柔软的喜来登甜梦之床、豪华床单、羽绒被、精选羽绒枕头和低过敏性枕头、以及定制床垫,旨在为客人提供极致舒适的住宿体验。所有客房均提供带卫星电视频道的 37 英寸宽屏液晶电视、高速上网、宽敞阳台、大型浴缸和特色热带雨林淋浴间,让您在尽享舒适之余还可与外界随时互联沟通。顶楼总统套房面积达 1470 平方米,拥有超大泳池和阳台,客人可在此俯瞰迷人壮观的千岛湖全景,尽享极致奢华的美妙假期。
黎先生是一位以市场营销最为见长的大酒店管理者,对于像绿城千岛湖喜来登度假酒店这样一家基础优厚且初具成熟魅力的酒店,他也一直带领着自己的团队不遗余力地开拓引游客向往、令同行赞赏的新鲜策略和服务。在今年的初夏,绿城千岛湖喜来登度假酒店的新活动就显得非常年轻欢快——“如果您是动漫玩家,美食爱好者,或是愿意给孩子们带来难忘回忆的爸爸妈妈”,黎先生给出了他的推荐:“漫”游千岛 美食盛宴——动漫主题自助晚餐。在千余平米的盛宴标帜餐厅,缤纷绚丽的动漫造型甜品秀冲击着视线;小象蚌、北极贝、大连鲜鲍、新西兰生蚝等各式滑嫩海鲜,千岛湖当地醇香湖鲜,澳洲和牛及进口羊排等饕餮大餐更是让人琳琅满目,口水欲滴。而除了大吃,酷玩更会让这场盛宴精彩不断。在各种二次元人物中穿梭,你会惊喜地发现,酒店饼房大厨在现场一角制作顽皮可爱的糖人,小朋友们围簇一团,争先恐后地期待着;或者被cosplay角色扮演中的萌物或酷侠们盛情邀请,合影互动,在大型卡通背景墙面添上你和宝贝亲密笑靥;魅力四射的菲律宾乐队在动漫背景乐中带来现场演绎,厨师长也为您和孩子们准备了可爱伴手小礼品,而最神秘的惊喜,莫过于以风靡世界的Ta为主题的动漫地带,玩咖和孩子们想来对这样的场面毫无抵抗力吧!
开业五年的绿城千岛湖喜来登度假酒店在硬件上有着被客人认可的科技魅力并保持高效的更新。Link@Sheraton 随心连动@喜来登是品牌推出的一项深受好评的科技服务,大堂中心即设有方便快捷的Link@Sheraton,客人可以随时用以应对突来的商务事宜。大堂智能而舒适的设计又可让客人轻松地与朋友面对面交流,在喜来登获得居家般的温馨感受;位于酒店一楼的喜来登炫逸水疗中心(Shine Spa by Sheraton)是千岛湖区域最专业的美容养生SPA会所,每间理疗房都有露天阳台,身处其中能够真正零距离欣赏水光山色,享用专业技师的服务和欧洲进口的优质产品,获得极致放松体验;同一层的喜来登健身中心(Sheraton Fitness Center)则是一以贯之了喜来登在健身服务上的卓越能力,它提供专业的健身设施及图示,为客人打造独一无二的私人健身计划,宾客还可在舒适的客房内使用专为满足顾客需求而设计的健身套装“Gym-In-Bag”,享受私人的健身时光。活力无限的绿城千岛湖喜来登酒店更是特别准备了室内外游泳池供客人随时畅游,以及令人惊喜的皮划艇、快艇、思维车、多人自行车等乐玩项目。您可与您的伴侣、孩子们享受水面徜徉的快感,或在粼粼波光的湖面上,欢度休闲的皮划艇时光。
千岛湖是在江浙沪一带人气最高的短途旅游景区之一,因此,如何为客人们创造更新鲜更美好的周末项目可以说是黎先生和团队日常工作中非常重要的创意任务。除了刚刚提到的“漫游千岛 美食盛宴”以外,每到周末,酒店前台也会为宾客免费提供当地鱼头汤的品尝体验,让每位宾客都能享受香浓汤汁。而这个初夏,酒店又特别针对家庭客人推出“欢乐一家人”套餐,为入住精选豪华湖景房的宾客带来更多礼遇。柳丝牵舫,湖镜开颜,正是一年好光景,千岛湖喜来登立于古老宁静的湖畔,与我们共邀您同来体验一场妙趣横生的初夏绿意时光。
Animation Tour Enriched by Delicacies Joyful Vacation Filled with Sweet Dreams
——Exclusive interview with Mr. Aaron Loy, General Manager of Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort
Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort sits alongside Qiandao Lake, a renowned scenic spot on the golden international tourist route from Huangshan Mountain, Qiandao Lake, to Hangzhou city, is known as China’s Best Man-made Lake. Advantageously located in the secluded area of Qiandao Lake, Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort stands next to the central part of the lake and a stone’s throw to multiple scenic spots such as Xiushui Square. More importantly, the hotel buildings fit perfectly into the landscape, from which we can tell the enormous care that has been taken in hotel design and construction. It is an enchanting experience to take a ride along the green belt surrounding the lake or to roam through the dense, intricate network of waters, admist the picturesque scenery of Qiandao Lake and surrounding hills. This time, we are honored to have invited Mr. Aaron Loy, General Manager Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort, who shows us around and talks proudly about this prominent, enterprising, elegant hotel, and showcases its unique charm.
A native of Malaysia, Aaron boasts rich management experience in the hospitality industry. Since he joined Starwood Hotels and Resorts in 1991, Mr. Li has held management positions in Sheraton Langkawi Beach Resort,Sheraton Guilin Hotel, Sheraton Xi’an Hotel, Sheraton Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, a career path that indicates Mr.Li’s profound experience in managing resort hotels.
As a veteran Starwood employee, Aaron cannot help speaking admiringly of Sheraton Sweet Sleeper, the extremely soft and cozy bedding of identical specification, tailor-made for Sheraton hotel guests worldwide. From a professional perspective, Aaron expresses his attachment to Sheraton Sweet Sleeper: for countless times he has learned from returning guests about their attachment to Sheraton Sweet Sleeper, and for countless times, he has received satisfaction and admiration of Sheraton Sweet Sleeper by new guests’, who have been attracted to Sheraton by its widespread reputation. It has become the bond between Sheraton brand and its guests, which is undoubtedly a typical case of successful long-term marketing strategy of the Sheraton brand. Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort has 249 guest rooms and suites, each of which enjoys a spectacular view of the emerald Qiandao Lake against the azure sky, the lovely luxurious resort gardens and enticing mountain peaks in the distance. Spaciously appointed and stylishly designed with utmost guest comfort in mind, all rooms feature the plush Sheraton Sweet Sleeper® Bed with luxurious sheets, a deluxe duvet, a selection of feather down and hypoallergenic pillows, and a custom mattress. All guest rooms offer 37-inch wide-screen LCD television with satellite TV channels, high speed internet access, spacious balconies, large bathtub and signature rainforest shower, keeping guests connected while overwhelmed with a world of comfort. Distinguished guests may indulge in the ultimate luxury holiday in the 1470 square meter Presidential Suite, a penthouse suite that boasts an oversized swimming pool with a balcony offering panoramic lake views.
With a strong marketing background, Aaron continues to lead his team in the exploration of innovative strategies and hotel services that are sought after by guests and applauded by peers. Early this summer, a series of youthful and lively activities has been staged by Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort. “For animated video game players, food lovers and those who wish to give their children a memorable experience, Aaron recommends the buffet dinner featuring animation and video game characters, entitled Animation Tour Enriched by Delicacies. In the flagship restaurant Feast that covers an area of over 1000 square meters, you will be fascinated by a variety of lovely desserts in the shape of animation and animation figures on display, and revel in a dazzling array of dainties, e.g. succulent and tender seafood such as little geoducks, arctic shellfish, fresh Dalian abalone, New Zealand oyster, delectable pollution-free fish and shrimps from Qiandao Lake, Australian Wagyu Beef and imported lamb chop. Moreover, you will be amazed at the cute cartoon figures being made with sugar by chefs in the pastry at one quarter where children cluster and wait eagerly. And you may be invited by cosplay actors or actresses to take a photo with them, which will be add to the giant cartoon background board. A glamorous Philippine band brings a live performance with the theme music of animated films playing in the background. The head chef has prepared lovely gifts for you and your children, among which nothing is more mysterious than the Ta animation zone that has taken the world by storm, and which players and children find hard to resist.
The dining capacity of Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort reaches far beyond this early summer feast. The hotel has 3 restaurants and 2 lounges to saturate the appetite of epicures. Whether you crave local specialties, classic western cuisine, authentic Cantonese dishes, coffee and wine, you will have an unforgettable dining experience here. At Yue, the specialty restaurant, tantalizing Chinese cuisine and Cantonese specialties are offered in an elegant atmosphere. Freshest possible food materials are used for preparing a variety of a la carte courses and premium sea food. For those craving authentic local food, Fishing is the best choice, where the kitchen dishes up organic fish and local wild vegetables in authentic Qiandao style. The modern and stylish all-day eatery, Feast, specializes in creative, handcrafted Chinese cuisine with local flair, as well as popular western dishes. It features a sumptuous breakfast buffet, and a wide selection of appetizers, salads, pastas, soups and desserts. You may wind up a romantic day at the hotel with a glass of vintage wine in the lobby lounge.
Since its launch 5 years ago, Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort has been acknowledged for technology service and a high pace of facility update, of which Lind@Sheraton is a widely acclaimed example. The Link@Sheraton(SM) experienced with Microsoft® is available in the welcoming lounge for business contingencies to be handled whenever they arise. The intelligently designed, comfortable lounge offers an ideal place to connect with friends in a homelike cozy atmosphere. Shine Spa by Sheraton on 1st Floor is the best beauty and rejuvenating treatment SPA center in Qiandao Lake’s neighborhood. Each treatment room has and outdoor balcony, where you may find yourself pampered with array of signature treatments by experts who apply quality products imported from Europe, fully recharging yourself amidst the picturesque landscape of Qiandao Lake with enticing mountain peaks. Sheraton Fitness Center on the same floor maintains Sheraton’s excellence in fitness services by providing professional facilities, illustrations and formulating tailor-made personal workout plan for each individual guest. Guests can also enjoy fit keeping services in their rooms by using Gym-In-Bag service package that cater to their particular needs. The hotel has an indoor pool and 4 outdoor swimming pools amid beautiful landscaped gardens for guest who feel like swimming a few laps. It is also an enjoyable experience to go canoeing or yachting, ride a segway or a tandem.
In Yangtze River Delta, Qiandao Lake has been the most popular tourist destination for short distance travel. It has, therefore, been an important task for Mr. Aaron Loy and his team to come up with more original and favorable weekend packages for these tourists. Besides Animation Tour Enriched by Delicacies servings of delicious local fish head soup will be provided to every guest free of charge. Early this summer, a package called Happy Family will be put forward for guests who travel on a family basis, with more VIP treatment for guest at deluxe lake view rooms. Branches of drooping willows reach to small boats that sail past and stir ripples on a lake that is otherwise as tranquil as a mirror: this is the prime time of the year. Alongside the serence antique Qiandao Lake, Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort awaits your arrival for an intriguing and memorable tour this vibrant summer.