2017-12-12 10:41:00      来源:大酒店传媒

Original Aspiration Leads to Success

Exclusive Interview with Ms. Nicole Cheng, General Manager of

Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai



12 月的上海虽已初冬,但天气依然晴朗,午后,太阳照在身上暖暖的,放眼或金黄或墨绿,处处延续着深秋丰收的喜悦。伴着这隐隐的喜意,大酒店团队来到了上海财大豪生大酒店。刚进门,还未说话,便有人主动上前问候,一杯热茶,几缕微笑,真诚而又贴心的话语,仿佛对待归家的亲人般,一切都那么的恰到好处,让人如沐春风。




优雅、知性、理智,便是总经理程佳女士给笔者的第一印象。一谈到上海财大豪生大酒店,程女士周边的气场瞬间变得亲切而温馨,对酒店更是有着说不完的话,道不尽的情。据介绍,上海财大豪生大酒店座落于杨浦区内历史悠久的上海财经大学校园旁,交通便利,位置优越。酒店于2007 12 28 日正式开业,是一家按国际五星级标准兴建,由上海财经大学、上海淳大源地实业有限公司共同投资,大中华酒店有限公司进行管理,集商旅会议功能于一体并注重人文建设的高端品牌酒店。


上海财大豪生大酒店共设有269 间设计高雅、风格时尚的豪华客房、行政套房以及专为残疾客人定制的客房。值得一提的是位于酒店16 19 层的豪生行政楼层,提供个性化的尊贵礼遇和服务,客人不仅可在此更加快捷地办理入住及退房手续,享用免费的早餐、茶点、咖啡,还可享受专属私人酒廊、礼宾服务、使用会议室等多种礼遇。


今年是上海财大豪生大酒店成立的第十周年,同时也是上海财大豪生大酒店的业主之一——上海财经大学建校的第100 周年。值此百年校庆与十年店庆同贺之际,整个财大豪生大酒店附近,都隐隐弥散出欢欣与喜悦的气息。程女士道,他们不仅在服务上精益求精,还斥资对酒店大堂、公共区域、食堂等地方进行了全面的装修升级,并更新了部分硬件设备,希望借这特殊的日子,带给客人焕然一新的感觉和更舒适的住宿体验。


配合上海财经大学“厚德博学 经济匡时”八个字的校训及百年历史文化积淀,加之上海财大豪生大酒店自身的十年厚积,其底蕴可想而知,如今借势而发,怎能不叫人刮目相看?除了全新装修外,十年积累下来,整个酒店从上至下弥漫的人文气息,才是程女士眼中最宝贵的财富。


正如《大酒店》团队刚到酒店时所感受到的那样,受名校百年文化的熏陶与自身十年积累的影响,整个上海财大豪生大酒店都充满着独特的人文气息:酒店的每位员工都奉行微笑服务,并以务实、亲切、热情、诚信来要求自己,力求给客人一种真诚、轻松、温馨的家的感觉。同时,程女士对自己的团队亦有着巨大的信心,“温良 恭俭 让”是她时常挂在嘴边的一句话,亦是整个团队的行为准则及日常表现。酒店在10 年历史长河中,孕育出一套自己的服务特色,就是“真诚待客”,用程女士的话说,酒店的每位员工都自带着真诚待客的基因。这也是10 年来所有曾经为酒店努力付出的前辈们传承下来的优良品质。






作为专业的高端商旅会务型酒店,上海财大豪生大酒店的商会服务亦是一流,程女士对此也表示自豪。酒店不仅拥有总面积达1000 平方米的会议及宴会场地,能为各类商务及社交活动提供尽善尽美的专业服务,还有面积450 平方米,装修奢华、气派不凡、可以灵活地间隔为2 间稍小的独立会议室的大宴会厅,以及另外七间不同面积的多功能厅。而这些所有的宴会厅均配备了齐全优质的软硬件设施,并提供先进的视听设备和高级同声传译系统,能够满足诸多规模的会议及宴会要求。此外,酒店的商务中心还设有专业私人助理、秘书服务以及高速互联网接入服务,可随时为客人提供各种商会服务,尽善尽美的满足客人的一切商会所需。



Early winter is approaching with December; however, the weather in Shanghai is still very clear. Warm sunshine peeps out from trees with golden yellow and dark green leaves, bringing the joys of harvest in late autumn. In such a pleasant mood, Grand Hotels Media team arrived at Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai. Yet to speak when we entered the door, the hotel staff greeted us with hot tea and sincere smiles. Gentle and soft words made us feel utterly relaxed in the spring breeze.


In June and November, we had interviews with a long-stay guest and a senior staff of the hotel, respectively. Once again, we came to Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai and had an exclusive interview with Ms. Nicole Cheng, General Manager of the hotel. During the preparation period of the hotel’s 10th anniversary ceremony, Grand Hotels Media found out about many surprising changes of the hotel. What are these highlights? We will unveil everything bit by bit.


As the elegant, intellectual and rational lady that Nicole is, she acquainted us with detailed information of Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai in a cordial manner. The hotel enjoys convenient transportation and a superior geographical location by being situated next to the old-established Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Constructed with the international five-star standard, Howard Johnson Caida Plaza officially opened its doors on December 28, 2007. The hotel is under the management of Greater China Hospitality (H.K.) Ltd. with joint investments from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Shanghai Chun Sources Industrial Co. Ltd., establishing itself as a high-end brand hotel which caters to any needs for business, traveling and meeting.


Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai provides all guests with exceptional luxury and comfort in its 269 spacious guestrooms, suites and customized rooms, which are all elegantly decorated with modern amenities. Worth mentioning is that the executive 16th to 19th floors feature exclusive world-class benefits and services, including a private lounge, dedicated check-in/check-out facilities, complimentary breakfast, evening refreshments, concierge service and a free meeting room.


This year is the 10th anniversary of Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai and the 100th anniversary of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, one of the owners of the hotel. In light of such a special year, a sense of joy and delight can be felt everywhere in the hotel. As Nicole said, the hotel had kept improving its services, given an overall refurbishment to the hotel lobby, public area and restaurants, and upgraded part of the hotel’s hardware facilities in order to offer guests a brand new cozy living experience.


Based on decades of cultural heritage of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and nurtured by the university motto, “Strive for Virtue and Knowledge, Assist in Economy and Governance”, Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai will create a refreshing atmosphere by integrating its owner’s core values. Additionally, the passion for service in the hotel has also benefited from its ten-year accumulated strength, which in Nicole’s eyes, is the most valuable asset of the hotel.


The passion for service is also created by the hotel staff. Every employee serves with a smile, requests him/herself to be pragmatic, cordial, passionate and trustworthy and strives to provide guests with a feeling of sincerity, relaxation and warmth. Nicole also has great confidence in her team. “Being gentle, modest and courteous” is not only what Nicole embraces, but also the principle with which to guide the whole team in everyday life. During the past ten years, Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai has developed its own concierge feature, developed in pursuit of sincere hospitality. The spirit is passed down by predecessors who have worked diligently for the hotel and carried on by every hotel working staff member.


Moreover, Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai boasts a unique service mode. Every employee in the hotel can offer guests one-stop butler service, which is quite rare in the domestic service industry characterized by clear work division. Nowadays, many high-end hotels only provide fixed service. Every hotel employee has his/her own separate and fixed work, which is beneficial for standardized management and hotel branding. However, it may also prompt problems such as lacking compassion and make it difficult to solve guests’ urgent needs efficiently.  In this aspect, Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai seeks another solution. Every hotel employee takes guests’ needs into account. If guests have any requirements, hotel employees will render prompt assistance in a considerate manner. Although with different advantages, it is hard to evaluate which service mode is better, Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai has won a continuous flow of loyal guests in the past ten years through its unique and considerate service.


In addition to service, food also plays a significant role in the hotel. The more high-end a hotel is, the more attention it will pay to the food. Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai is surely of no exception. While speaking of the hotel’s delicacies, Nicole was in high spirits, introducing that three distinctive restaurants can satisfy and please every palate. Bliss Western Restaurant features the best of international casual dining, serving elaborate buffets throughout the day as well as an extensive à la carte menu with international and Asian selections. Chunda Xuan Restaurant showcases all the best of traditional Cantonese cuisine with Dim Sum and Shanghainese highlights, all specially designed by expert chefs in an elaborate and elegant dining environment. Lobby Lounge is an ideal meeting place with a wide variety of favorite beverages and snacks for intimate business discussions, casual conversations with friends or simply to unwind after a hectic day.


As a professional high-end hotel for business, traveling and meeting, Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai provides first-class service in this aspect. The hotel offers 1,000 sqm of comprehensive space for guests’ important business and social events, including a 450-sqm Grand Ballroom and seven other function rooms. The Grand Ballroom can be divided into two or three smaller rooms. State-of-the-art audio-visual equipment is available, as well as advanced simultaneous interpretation equipment and wireless broadband internet access in all meeting spaces. The hotel also has a business center to provide professional personal assistant and secretarial service, virtual offices for rental and hi-speed internet access, making every effort to meet the guests’ needs.


At the end of the interview, Nicole expressed her great confidence and expectations for Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai. She believes that after ten years, the hotel will become an old-established hotel with a good reputation famous for its services. Grand Hotels Media also believes that after the decoration and upgrade, Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai will march towards an even more brilliant future!