2017-12-12 13:47:11      来源:大酒店传媒

Greenland International Hotels Group Opened Its' Largest Complex Hotel in Shanghai
Hongqiao Primus Hotel, Primus Residence & The QUBE Hotel Now Open

绿地国际酒店管理集团旗下最大综合体酒店群登陆位大虹桥区域 — 上海虹桥绿地铂瑞酒店、铂瑞公寓及铂骊酒店宣布全面开幕。




此次开业庆典邀请了沪上主流媒体和国内外知名企业,以及柬埔寨王国驻上海总领事田温楠先生、韩国驻上海领事Kim Beom Su先生以及奥地利驻上海副领事Ms. Lisa Kronrief 等作为嘉宾出席。


“绿地集团一直是一个致力于创造梦想、实现梦想、超越梦想的企业。通过不断的创新与转型,搭建起了‘一元特强、多元并举’的产业经营模式。今天的绿地国际酒店管理集团,正是多元发展和不断创新的结果。作为国内最大酒店物业持有商和管理运营商之一,绿地国际酒店管理集团目前在全球范围内经营及在建项目超过79家酒店,项目遍布全球7国54城,拥有各类客房20,000余间,预计开业和正在施工项目总值超300亿人民币并将在2020年前在全球范围内拥有超过150家酒店。我们有理由相信,在不久的将来,绿地国际酒店管理集团一定会成为一个晓誉全球的知名酒店管理集团,为中国酒店品牌建立国际竞争优势及市场地位发挥积极的推动作用。” 绿地集团副总裁张蕴女士表示,“融合两家酒店及一家公寓的绿地虹桥世界中心酒店群,致力于成为上海新中心一流综合体酒店群,打造绿地国际酒店管理集团富有中国特色的国际化品牌酒店,代表绿地国际酒店管理集团将服务理念和品牌形象推广至全球。”


剪彩仪式后,由两双象征着吉祥与幸运的狮子带来精彩的舞狮表演。点睛、采青一气呵成,灵动的狮舞伴随着喜庆喧嚣的锣鼓声将整场活动推向了高潮。整场活动现代、个性、经典与品味结合,与绿地国际酒店管理集团旗下个性奢华品牌 – 铂瑞品牌元素相得益彰。至此,绿地国际酒店管理集团旗下最大的综合体酒店群在各方祝福中圆满揭幕。

Greenland World Center Hotels announced opening of its’ largest complex hotel in Shanghai Hongqiao. Primus Hotel, Primus Residence and The QUBE Hotel are now completely opened for their customers.


The opening ceremony was held under the theme of "Master the Moment ", and it has been kicked off at 11:18am with an enthusiastic Chinese traditional drum show. Primus Hotel, Primus Residence & The QUBE Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao declared its’ opening after cutting the ribbon and presenting a bottle of champagne.


The event has been taken place with presence of the key media professionals and well-known international enterprises, as well as Mr. Tean Samnang Consul General of the Kingdom of Cambodia Consulate Shanghai, Mr. Kim Beom Su Consul of Consulate General of Republic of Korea & Ms. Lisa Kronreif Vice Consul of Austrian Consulate General Shanghai Commercial Section.


"As one of China’s largest hotel property investors and operators, GIHG owns hotel assets of more than RMB 20 billion, with 20,000 rooms in 79 hotels and projects in pipelines across 7 countries and 54 cities. With own-branded hotels as its core business, GIHG is transforming itself into a world-renowned hotel management company and will achieve a portfolio of more than 150 hotels worldwide by the end of 2020. " Says Ms. Zhang Yun Executive Vice President of Greenland Group, "Greenland World Center Hotels are devoted to be the high-end complex hotel in Hongqiao Area. Also to create China Brand International Hotels under GIHG and promote our service philosophy & brand image into worldwide. "

After the ribbon cutting ceremony, there were 4 lions performed a brilliant lion dance to bring good luck to the customers as per Chinese traditions. The Lion Drawing & Spray Green activity ended up the ceremony with more dramatic lion dance. The dynamic and stylish arrangement perfectly expressed the element of Primus Hotel Modern, Human, Tradition & Taste. The opening ceremony of the largest complex hotel in Greenland International Hotels Group ended perfectly in the early afternoon.