2018-02-06 17:06:40      来源:大酒店传媒

Interviewing Mr. Gerd Knaust, General Manager of The Kunlun Jing An
专访静安昆仑大酒店总经理格德 · 克瑙斯特


1. 做为上海首家昆仑品牌,请问昆仑酒店定位是什么样的呢?可以简单介绍一下昆仑品牌管理模式吗?





2. 对很多对上海希尔顿拥有怀旧情结的忠实客人,贵酒店在更名之后会有怎样的举措让他们留住这份情怀同时将昆仑品牌的服务理念传递给客人呢 




3. 您之前一直在国际品牌工作,更牌后的静安昆仑大酒店将会被打造成一个高端民族品牌,您依然选择继续留任,是什么吸引您继续留下呢?您对本土酒店品牌的崛起、发展和市场竞争力有怎样的见解?


        作为这家酒店的多总经理,不仅和我的团队一起亲历酒店品牌更换这一激动人心的蜕变,并且能与酒店的业主和锦江首选酒店管理有限公司一起领导上海第一家昆仑品牌酒店这对于我们每一个人来说都是职业生涯中难得的机遇。 随着中国经济的发展,中国市场越来越受关注。相信民族品牌在未来将取得令人瞩目的发展。酒店品牌更换也是上海加快打造自主高端酒店品牌步伐的缩影。

1. Athe first Kunlun branded hotel in Shanghai, what is the Kunlun brand positioning? And could you please briefly introduce the management style of Kunlun?


As Kunlun brand our mission is to become a provider of sophisticated spaces and facilities crafted for today’s astute travelers who expect the best experiences imaginable and nothing less, as well as a creator of epicure restaurants serving authentic cuisines for modern connoisseurs. We hope every guest stay here could enjoy moments of unique, unpretentious and passionate hospitality by The Kunlun…


There are 2 Kunlun hotels now in operation, one is The Kunlun Beijing and the other is The Kunlun Jing An. Both are managed by Jin Jiang Premier Hotels. The company manage high-end hotels which capture the quintessence of Chinese Culture offering a unique stay experience. The mission of Jin Jiang Premier Hotels is to become the leader of China’s high-end hotel management companies. The company includes a portfolio of exciting new luxury and upscale business hotel brands: J Hotel, Yan Garden, The Kunlun and Jin Jiang


2. Hilton Shanghai was a celebrated and established icon in Shanghai hospitality industry. It has many loyal guests who are emotionally attached to this hotel. What will you do to retain these guests after the hotel is rebranded as The Kunlun Jing An?


As this hotel has been a key landmark property in Shanghai for almost 30 years and our property has been known for its prime location and excellent service for years. There are high expectations on what we will need to deliver as a beacon of hospitality in Jing An. I would like to take the opportunity to thank our loyal guests. Without your ongoing support this exciting evolution of our hotel would not be possible. Of course there will be a renovation of the property in time but in the early months we are working very hard to deliver the unique and passionate Kunlun service with an increased number of staff in key guest areas such as Front of House-Guest Relations, Concierge as well as behind the scenes. We are enhancing our offering on the Executive Floors with evening turndown and improved amenities and food and beverage benefits. We are planning two exciting new Chinese restaurant concepts with private dining available. Most of all we will put our guests at the very centre of everything we do and dedicate ourselves to making The Kunlun Jing An a preferred place to stay and dine in the city.


3. You used to work for international brand hotels in most of the time in your career. As we all know Hilton Shanghai has been rebranded as The Kunlun Jing An and is now being launched to the market as a high-end Chinese hotel brand. Yet you chose to stay on. What attracted you to stay on?


I feel very proud to lead the very first Kunlun hotel in Shanghai and be part of this exciting transition together with our owner and Jin Jiang Premier Hotels. This is a rare opportunity for all of us in our career. With the development of China’s economy, the Chinese market is more and more important. I believe that national brands will achieve remarkable development in the future. Our hotel rebranding is also epitome that Shanghai city accelerated to develop self-owned high-end hotel brand.