2018-02-06 17:48:18      来源:大酒店传媒

LUX*Grand Gaube Reimagined
Mauritius gets a retro-chic tropical retreat and wellness centre like no other


位于非洲毛里求斯岛北部海岸的毛里求斯传奇丽世度假村目前在紧锣密鼓整体翻新,该项目由享誉全球的美学设计凯丽·赫本(Kelly Hoppen MBE)与毛里求斯建筑师让·亚当Jean Francois Adam)共同操刀。两位富有创意的设计大师将为这座活力四射、奢华无比的五星级度假村注入全新格调,新颖独特的创意来展现毛里求斯的风情与热情好客。度假村以令人瞩目多重魅力和更加宾至如归的悠然氛围毛里求斯带来令人耳目一新的全新风尚及款客之道。




传奇度假村同样不乏艺术情调:法国涂鸦艺术家贾森Jace )将为度假村带来著名的涂鸦艺术作品Gouzou,让宾客有机会在度假村欣赏这位艺术大师的杰作;定居于伦敦的法国艺术家卡米尔·瓦拉(Camille Walala)将为度假村亲手绘制了原创壁画,她的壁画作品色彩鲜明极具视觉震撼,遍及墨尔本、曼哈顿等地如今在毛里求斯的传奇丽世度假村也可以欣赏到的作品。


让·亚当Jean-Francois Adam)通过现代的空间呈现舒适无比的热岛屿生活为度假村匠心打造经久不衰的度假风尚。他对整修项目展开反复钻研,确保丰富空间容量精准的线条设计和简约低调的风格。坚信建筑也有其生命和灵魂,深厚的艺术造诣和充满理性的思为他的设计带来了活力。对于他而言一切都始于对建筑所在地特色精髓的深入了解

Creative duo KELLY HOPPEN MBE and Mauritian architect JEAN-FRANCOIS ADAM have reinvented this fresh-spirited luxury resort and spa. In doing so they have introduced an innovative approach to style and hospitality to Mauritius. Re-opening at the end of the year on the African island’s northern coast, edging the private bay are two beaches, tropical gardens, brand new forward-thinking restaurants and sociable bars, 186 bedrooms and suites, a luxe-for-less boutique, and an indoor cinema for movie screenings and sport-ing events. Thanks to thoughtful touches and residential-feel interiors from the award-winning design studio and leading architect, the easy, breezy spirit of multicultural Mauritius will be inspiring in an entirely new way.


The British designer has dressed the resort in timeless understated glamour. Channelling fond memories of favourite holidays in Cape Town, Capri, Mallorca and Antigua, and having fallen for the energy of Grand Gaube itself, Kelly Hoppen has created a feel-good factor that no other Indian Ocean destination has known. By gently layering every look with tactile ceramics, hand-picked accessories, vintage rattan and residential-quality soft furnishings, Kelly Hoppen’s designs breathe uplifting style and soul into every space, while inviting nature inside, wherever possible.


Artist flair is also on the agenda at LUX* Grand Gaube. French street-artist Jace will be sharing his famous Gouzou illustration around the resort prompting the chance to play ‘Gouzou Spotting’; London-based French artist Camille Walala is painting original murals — her much-Instagrammed brightly-coloured de-signs grace walls from Melbourne to Manhattan, and now Mauritius.


Jean-Francois Adam’s ambition for LUX* Grand Gaube has been to design comfortable tropical living through contemporary spaces. The architect’s method is to think and rethink projects to ensure that volumes are generous, lines are precise and style is unpretentious. Convinced that architecture has a heart and a soul, he unites artistic talent with rational mind to bring life to his designs. For him, it all starts with a sound understanding of the site’s characteristics and constraints to identify what constitutes its spir-it.