2018-03-01 16:30:48      来源:大酒店传媒

Mind Body and Soul at Sri Panwa FINAL
泰国普吉岛斯攀瓦酒店(Sri panwa)洗涤身心灵之旅

新年伊始,斯攀瓦酒店(Sri panwa) 推出注重身心灵合一的保健套餐,当中包括由多次获奖的Cool Spa呈献的水疗护理疗程及协助宾客洗涤身心的私人瑜伽课程。让宾客追求健康生活,养精蓄锐开展新年篇章。


斯攀瓦酒店坐落于普吉岛恬静的攀瓦角,实属让人放松身心的完美度假胜地。酒店所聘用的瑜伽导师经过专业训练,宾客可于日出之际或全日任何时间,置身于斯攀瓦酒店著名的天台酒吧- Baba Nest,俯瞰安达曼海一望无际的美景同时于专业导师的带领下投入拜日式瑜伽之中,踏上唤发神采之旅。


Madi出生于加拿大,专长为哈达瑜伽(Hatha Yoga)。身为国际级的模特儿,她经常需要走访世界各地,逐渐发觉到自己因工作关系而引致严重的压力和胃病。课程中Madi将会为宾客提供有关瑜伽治疗方法的建议和技巧,以平衡繁忙的都市生活方式。


套餐中包含屡获殊荣的Cool Spa水疗护理疗程,让宾客放松身心并重拾活力。 Cool Spa 的创新血型水疗法理念与彼得.戴德蒙(Peter D’Adamo)医生著名的血型食疗法同出一辙,疗程根据每种血型不同的能量及对个人健康状态的影响而设计,迎合每位客人需要。

With the start of the new year, it provides the opportunity for a new chapter focusing on leading a healthier life. Combining the importance of a healthy mind, body and soul, Sri panwa is offering a wellness package including a spa treatment at the award-winning Cool Spa and private yoga to help guests connect with their inner Zen.


Sri panwa, located on the serene Cape Panwa offers the perfect destination to unwind. The professionally trained in-house yoga instructor is able to guide guests through the revitalising Surya Namaskar at sunrise or throughout the day at their convenience, atop Baba Nest, Sri panwa’s acclaimed rooftop bar with panoramic views of the Andaman Sea.


As an international model, Madi travelled to many destinations across the world and found the pressure of her job caused severe stress and stomach issues. Madi is able to provide advice and tips for guests on the healing methods of yoga to help combat people’s hectic urban lifestyle.


The award-wining Cool Spa treatments included in the package allow guests to relax and rejuvenate. Based on the same rational as Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s famous blood type diet, the Blood Type Therapy is an innovative new treatment range devised according to different energies in each blood group and the effect on an individual’s health and wellbeing. Blood Type Therapy session at the pioneering Cool Spa.