2018-04-03 15:55:37      来源:大酒店传媒

The Berkeley Unveils Glass Pavilion Suites with Sweeping Terraces Designed by Internationally Renowned Architect and Designer André Fu
国际知名建筑设计师André Fu携手伦敦柏凯丽酒店打造全新Pavilion 套房


        国际知名室内建筑设计师André Fu及其工作室AFSO近期为经典气派的伦敦柏凯丽酒店(The Berkeley)设计了两间极富现代感的Pavilion 套房。早前,酒店的正门经重新设计,令人耳目一新。酒店的Blue Bar和Collins Room亦换上全新面貌,另增设宽敞的全新宴会厅和各式簇新套房。而Pavilion 套房的出现,将令柏凯丽酒店更上一层楼,为宾客带来终极的当代奢华体验。Pavilion 套房是伦敦其中两间最大和设计最奢华的套房,每个空间主要建构于由玻璃打造的亭阁内,宾客可于视野广阔的露台俯瞰贝尔格莱维亚区(Belgravia)、骑士桥(Knightsbridge)和海德公园(Hyde Park)的景致。玻璃结构提供饶富戏剧性的空间感,为套房注满充足的自然光线,让宾客置身伦敦芸芸的屋顶之上,打造远离市内繁嚣的宁静空间 。


        Pavilion Suites的两间套房分别是The Crescent Pavilion及The Grand Pavilion,都体现André Fu轻松奢华的风格特色,同时亦突显低调的英式风格。套房采用住宅式设计,为长期入住的宾客营造归家般的宁静氛围。André Fu在2012年为柏凯丽酒店设计了 Opus套房,而加上John Heah设计的The Apartment(2017年推出),酒店现为宾客提供一共四间标志性超级套房。入住以上套房的宾客更可享受柏凯丽管家的全天候服务,照顾宾客所需。酒店亦加入特别的服务元素「Signature Service」,例如由充满传奇色彩的米其林二星大厨Marcus Wareing打造的独特餐饮服务,宾客可以独家预订由Marcus Wareing主理的招牌菜式。此外,Blue Bar顶级调酒师将悉心调制鸡尾酒,让宾客置身套房内享受私密空间,细意品尝。套房的设计亦不忘娱乐好客元素,附设饶富戏剧性的玻璃亭—— 无论是于露台上享用私密的晚餐,或是举办豪华鸡尾酒会,玻璃亭套房都已把好客的招待艺术提升至新境界。酒店更细心地在套房中准备了Burberry经典风衣,可让宾客不论晴雨都可享受伦敦的迷人景致。

The Pavilion Suites at The Berkeley, designed by internationally renowned interior architect André Fu and his studio AFSO, are the two newest additions to the modern make-over of the classic London hotel. Following a major redesign of the front entrance, a new look to the Blue Bar and Collins Room, an extensive new ballroom and the introduction of a variety of new suites, the signature Pavilion Suites take The Berkeley to the next level of contemporary luxury. Two of the largest and most luxuriously decorated suites in London, each one is predominantly created within a glass pavilion surrounded by sweeping terraces overlooking Belgravia and Knightsbridge. The glass structures offer a dramatic sense of space, filling the suites with an abundance of pure, natural light and a serene sense of urban escapism, and transporting guests above the rooftops of London.


Showcasing Andre Fu's characteristic relaxed style of understated luxury, conveyed through light, space, texture and colour, the Pavilion Suites – the Crescent Pavilion and Grand Pavilion–are designed to feel like a residential home for long-stay guests. The new suites give The Berkeley four signature suites including The Apartment opened in 2017 by John Heah and the Opus Suite, launched in 2012 also designed by Andre Fu. Guests will enjoy the hotel's exclusive ‘Signature Service' created specifically for these four suites, providing direct access to their own private liaison throughout their stay to organise their every request. Additionally, these Signature Services include the option of a unique culinary experience from legendary two Michelin-starred chef Marcus Wareing, whose dishes can be served in the suites; access to a Blue Bar mixologist to create cocktails in the privacy of the suite; and the use of a beautifully tailored classic Burberry Trench Coat throughout the stay come rain or shine. With the dramatic effect created by the glasshouses, the Pavilion Suites take the art of entertainment to a new level, whether it's an intimate dinner or a lavish cocktail party on the terrace.