2018-04-03 16:13:34      来源:大酒店传媒

Inspiration of Spring - Grand Kempinski Shanghai’s Acqua Italian Restaurant Welcomes Spring with a New Menu
春 “意”浓——上海凯宾斯基大酒店海蓝意大利餐厅推出春季新菜单







Acqua, the Italian restaurant at Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai, proudly announces the launch of its new menu to coincide with the coming of Spring.   


As the warmth fills the air and the days lengthen, the hotel look forward to new tastes and flavors. At Acqua, the hotel’s chefs have prepared a fresh selection of dishes that blends traditional favorites that are staples for any true Italian kitchen, to unique dishes only available at the hotel’s establishment.


Enjoy marinated Argentinean red prawn with beetroot cannolo, ricotta and sea urchin, or the fresh tuna salad with spinach, fennel, pickled radish, and orange. You’ll find yourself spoilt for choice on pasta dishes with truffle tortellini, homemade tagliatelle, and homemade lasagna all on offer. Not in a mood for pasta? Then why not try our mouthwatering roasted duck breast with capers and raisin puree, fois gras and roman cabbage, and finished with a sweet and sour balsamic sauce. Or how about the oven-baked halibut or the pan-fried salmon, both made from the freshest catch and sure to become firm favorites with the hotel’s guests.