2018-04-03 16:17:16      来源:大酒店传媒

Introducing Tha Nahm Siam – Modern Thai Degustation at The Siam
The Siam新潮美食荟萃之处—Tha Nahm Siam

        如果你钟爱The Siam的Chon Thai餐厅,现在就有机会一边欣赏湄南河风光,一边置身于餐厅新建筑Tha Nahm Siam的美景中,品尝精心烹制的传统泰式佳肴。Tha Nahm Siam出品的9道菜菜单由资深大厨Damri Muksombat主理,采用现代烹调技艺及精致摆盘技巧呈现传统泰国风味。


        前菜香辣可口,炭烧脆米饼Kao Kriab Wow以大量鸟眼椒佐味,配上鲜美鸡汁蘸酱;Yum Takrai Hoishell则是用香茅提味的新鲜北海道扇贝,点缀五彩缤纷的可食用鲜花及新鲜蔬菜,令人胃口大开。


        碳烤是泰国的主打风味之一,而Tha Nahm Siam则以现代手法全新演绎炭火烤制的传统。Gaiyang (泰式香草烧春鸡)——烧鸡先经低温慢煮再迅速火烤,外皮焦脆、香气四溢,而且口感鲜嫩多汁。Gae Ronghai也是一道在广受欢迎的泰国菜,选用新西兰顶级羊肉精心烹制而成,大厨Damri秘制的e-sarn酱料亦搭配得恰到好处。


        先将澳大利亚牛小排低温慢煮8小时,并佐以各类调料和香料煎香,完美呈现这道名为“Nua San See Klong”的菜式。经4小时烹制而成的龙眼蜂蜜排骨Klong Moo Toon,口感香甜浓郁,毫不费力便可用手将骨肉分离,味道绝佳。


        鱼类菜肴同样令人垂涎三尺:包括酸甜酱清蒸深海鳕鱼Plahima Neung,以及用脱水香茅、泰国青柠叶、高良姜和辣椒调味的新鲜烤挪威三文鱼排Tom Yum Pla Salmon,再搭配一杯降火的酸橙汁。


        最后再品尝一下泰国茉莉香米冰激凌Itim Khao Hom Mali,幼滑口感和清香味让人愉悦清爽。伴随着眼前华灯初上,码头船来船往的场景,你将度过一个完美的夜晚。

Fans of The Siam’s famous Chon Thai restaurant now have the opportunity to explore a more nuanced, elaborate take on traditional Thai cuisine set against the stunning backdrop of Tha Nahm Siam – the restaurant’s new extension overlooking the Chao Phraya River. Helmed by veteran Chef Damri Muksombat, Tha Nahm Siam’s 9-course menu features dishes that are rooted in traditional Thai flavours, but prepared using modern techniques and exquisitely presented.


Starters are a decidedly spicy affair with a generous amount of bird’s eye chilli added to the Kao Kriab Wow – crispy, flame-charred rice crackers – accompanied with a savoury chicken dip; and Yum Takrai Hoishell – fresh Hokkaido Scallop enhanced by a touch of lemongrass and a colourful medley of edible flowers, fresh vegetables, to open the palate.


Food cooked over fiery charcoal is a staple of Thai cuisine, but at Tha Nahm Siam, traditional charcoal-grilled dishes are given a contemporary twist. Gaiyang – grilled chicken, is cooked sous vide prior and quickly flame-charred. The result is a dish that is smoky and aromatic, yet juicy and meltingly tender. Gae Ronghai, another Thai favourite, features top-grade New Zealand lamb complimented with Chef Damri’s very own secret blend of tangy e-sarn sauce.


Nua San See Klong features eight hour sous vide Australian short rib, pan-seared to order with a fragrant mix of spices and herbs. See Klong Moo Toon is a dish of a sweet and sticky four-hour slow cooked longan honey pork rib that is best eaten with hands as it effortlessly falls off the bone.  


The fish courses are also something to look forward to; Plahima Neung is deep sea snow fish steamed with savoury sweet soy, and the Tom Yum Pla Salmon is a fresh Norwegian salmon steak, seasoned with slivers of dehydrated lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, galangal and chilli peppers with an extra splash of lime juice to cut through the heat.


Finally, end the night with Itim Khao Hom Mali – a dessert of creamy and fragrant jasmine rice ice cream that is at once comforting and refreshing. Perfect as you watch the lights come on, and boats glide down the beautiful pier.