2018-05-04 15:36:26      来源:大酒店传媒

Spring in the Air - Grand Kempinski Shanghai’s Albero Restaurant Launches New Spring Menu


      餐厅每个季度都会更新一次菜单,保留人气高的经典美食,同时增加时令佳肴。今季,厨师上天入地搜寻自然之味,经过反复斟酌调整,将地中海菜系特色的精华融入了新菜单之中。这次的美食之旅从让亿万肉食者所趋之若鹜的伊比利亚火腿(Iberico Jamon)开始,将其切成薄片摆在盘子中,火腿片的油脂慢慢分解出来,放在嘴里入口即化,咸甜鲜香,慢慢咀嚼无限回味。 “上好的食材,简单料理”,香煎扇贝和清蒸新西兰蛤蜊保留了食材的原汁原味,且味道清鲜。低温慢煮在现如今已渐渐成为高级餐厅料理鱼类、肉类的主流方式之一:厨师精心研制的椰奶汁慢煮比目鱼和慢煮澳洲小羊腿以及香炸慢煮八爪鱼,通过慢煮在最大程度上保证不流失内在水分,以确保食物本味及营养。这次厨师也加入了很多自己的心思,创新让整个菜单变得更为灵动。爽口的腌制金枪鱼塔塔作为主菜的前戏有着很好的铺垫,而具有家乡风格的代表菜炸牛尾丸和牛骨髓,则让食客从视觉到味觉均带来不一样的全新体验。当然新菜单里仍然保留了深受食客们喜爱的经典美食,包括大虾刺身薄片、苹果鹅肝等不容错过的佳选。 


Albero, the Spanish restaurant at Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai, is proud to announce the launch of its Spring season menu. At Albero, the focus has always been to showcase fresh, seasonal ingredients in authentic Spanish dishes that come with a twist.


This season, the hotel’s chef takes you from land and sea all with the utmost care and attention to detail. Start your meal with luxurious melt-in-your-mouth Iberico ham and move on to delicacies of the ocean such as boiled and deep-fried octopus and pan fried scallops. Juicy steamed New Zealand clams, delicate carpaccio prawns, slow-cooked halibut in coconut milk, and marinated tuna round off the offerings from the sea, while succulent slow cooked Australian lamb shank, Fois gras, oxtail, and beef bone marrow will serve to satisfy the most insatiable of meat lovers.


The hotel’s culinary team has taken care to select and present flavours from all over Spain to give diners a full overview of the country’s rich culinary heritage and beyond.