2019-07-29 14:51:50      来源:大酒店传媒

Wanda Reign on the Bund Celebrates Its third Anniversary

典雅至善 艺境瑞华



此次酒店以“典雅至善 艺境瑞华”为主题,开展了一系列庆典活动。6月18日晚,2019 CHAT第十五届中国酒店及旅游业论坛于瑞酷举行盛大的鸡尾酒会,与上海万达瑞华酒店同庆三周年,万达酒店及度假村副总裁陈然先生、陈勐超先生,酒店总经理查兹皮特斯·尼古拉斯共同执手为上海万达瑞华酒店三周年切生日蛋糕。切蛋糕仪式将鸡尾酒会推向高潮,会场氛围热情而欢愉,来自众多酒店及旅游行业专家及其他相关领域代表齐聚一堂,共谋酒店行业新趋势及庆贺上海万达瑞华酒店三周年。

18 June, 2019——Wanda Reign on the Bund launched its 3rd anniversary celebration with a sensational Ruiku Cocktail Party. CHAT Shanghai 2019 joined the celebration of this momentous occasion at Wanda Reign on the Bund, one of the best hospitality and tourism forum that has hosted around 300 distinguished guests at RuiKu on 18 June, 2019.

The Ruiku Cocktail Party was started with an opening speech that delivered by Mr. Nikolaos Chatzipetros, General Manager of Wanda Reign on the Bund. He reviewed the development of the hotel during the past 3 years, apprecaited the tremendous achievement and remarkable recognition to the team's commitment in showing genuine interest and care for guests, delivering impeccable service from the heart which go above and beyond their expectations. Thus, creating a memorable experience for all.

Mr.Chenmeng and Mr.Daniel Chen, Vice President of Wanda Hotels & Resorts, Julie, Executive Director of Horwath HTL and Mr. Nikolaos Chatzipetros, General Manager of Wanda Reign on the Bund proposed the toast at the anniversary celebration of Wanda Reign on the Bund.