2019-07-30 11:19:33      来源:大酒店传媒

An Unprecedented and Pre-eminent Debut of 'Marquis' in China 

--Exclusive Interview with Ms. Angela Pan, 

General Manager of JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong

'侯爵'华丽亮相 打造非凡体验





       在上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店 8月 8日隆重开业之际,我们十分荣幸可以采访到酒店总经理潘小莺女士。在万豪国际集团任职的二十二年里,凭借着敏锐的观察力、卓越的领导力和创新视野,潘总带领她的酒店团队不断走向成功,在她的管理下,酒店在市场建立了超群的口碑。而她本人也常被媒体誉为“中国最具魅力的酒店女总经理 ”。自 2016年 11月起,潘总担任万豪国际大中华区商委会主席一职。如今,潘总被任命为上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店总经理,负责酒店的筹备开业。与潘总的交谈中,笔者能感受到她的淡定自若和成竹在胸。

       JW万豪侯爵品牌是基于 JW万豪品牌的升级,而侯爵头衔更为酒店的开业加上光环,上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店自筹备以来,被贴上了“中国第一家”等耀眼标签,也注定了它的备受瞩目。

       依托于得天独厚的地理位置,上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店华丽亮相成为上海的新地标。酒店的入驻为上海添上一抹亮色,同样,上海也为酒店提供了良好的发展环境。潘总表示:“上海作为中国的门户城市,无论是从商务会展还是休闲旅游方面,都为酒店行业的发展营造了优越的市场,也为酒店带来了更多的资源;同时,上海正日益成为全球最具潜力、最为重要的会奖目的地之一,这也为酒店市场带来了更多的契机和合作模式。”同时,陆家嘴金融区已经逐步发展成为上海规模最大,资本最密集的中央商务区,上海中心大厦的先后建成,上海世博会以及中国国际进口博览的成功召开更是为这颗东方的明珠添加了几分璀璨的光芒。上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店将成为商务客人入住的奢华高端品牌,毫无疑问,陆家嘴的地理特征精准得为酒店筛选出高质量的潜在消费者。

        在人流涌动,资金活跃的陆家嘴地区,多家品牌酒店在这里生根发芽并且取得了不错的成绩,但潘总自信地表明上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店有实力可以脱颖而出。酒店拥有 515间客房,9种风格迥异的房型足以满足顾客的个性化需求。3200平方米会议场地足以迎合商务客人的不同要求。近在咫尺的美术馆与滨江步道,为客人增添了艺术与自然气息。在建筑设计方面,以“水”为灵感,将上海的风韵与江河波纹元素运用于设计中,通过与河流之间的连接,将室内与户外景观和谐融合为一,客人从抵达酒店的那一刻起就感受到了身心的放松。而空间的巧妙设计更是让宾客可以在不同的层次框架和角度欣赏黄浦江景。除此之外,酒店也提供着极具特色的餐饮服务。全日制餐厅‘航迹厨房’以来自世界各地的主要商业城市的美食为灵感,为宾客提供琳琅满目的环球美味;极具19世纪纽约工业风格的特色餐厅‘Flint扒房’灵感来源于经典纽约牛排餐厅;以奢华宅邸概念打造的中餐厅‘菱’更是将优雅法式风情与曼妙中式元素和谐相汇在一起,彰显海派文化的魅力。

        上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店强大的竞争力不仅在于她的硬件设施,更在于她特有的企业文化与服务理念。潘总作为上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店的管理者,十分重视酒店文化。潘总坚信,只有让员工感同身受,将品牌的 DNA注入到每个员工的血液中,自然而然,每个员工都会成为为客人带来JW非凡款待的JW英才。


       上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店将作为耀眼的奢华酒店屹立于黄埔之江,她的开业万众瞩目,她的发展备受期待。这不仅与酒店奢华程度相关,也离不开潘总独特的领导力。潘总身兼万豪国际集团大中华商务委员会主席和上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店总经理两职,在繁忙的工作中并没有舍此顾彼,在她眼中,当所做之事是热爱之事时,就不会存在对立面,而是相互滋养。她认为成功并不是一人之力,而是团队不断的努力。正是有潘总虚怀若谷又充满热情的表率,整个团队呈现出蓬勃朝气的精神状态,才能将酒店完美的一面呈现出来。

       采访已经接近尾声,潘总的智慧与领导力给笔者留下了深刻的印象,在与她对话过程中,更是深刻感受到潘总的优雅与睿智。作为落户上海的首家 JW万豪侯爵酒店,潘总对酒店的未来满怀憧憬。笔者也坚信相信在潘总的管理下,上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店能在这座繁华都市脱颖而出,创造传奇。

When the sun finally swept out the rainy season in Shanghai, there comes August, bringing a gentle breath of fresh air to this modern city. With the elation of summer, our Grand Hotels Media team toured to JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong for an exclusive interview with its General Manager Ms. Angela Pan. Adjacent to Huangpu River and merely 2.8 miles from the Lujiazui Financial District, JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong enjoys the bustling atmosphere of Lujiazui. 

On our tour we visited Ms. Angela Pan, General Manager of JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong, to share the excitement of the hotel opening on 8th August 2019. Having devoted twenty-two years to the Marriott International, Ms. Pan has been leading her team to success with her keen observation, distinguished leadership and innovative vision. Under the leadership of Ms. Pan, who is often reputed by media, the hotel have built up a magnificent reputation in the market. Since November 2016, Ms. Pan has served as the Guidance Team Member of the Marriott Worldwide Business Councils, Greater China. In May 2018, JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong has welcomed Ms. Pan as its General Manager for hotel opening preparation. We felt her composure and determination sparkle during our interview with her. 

JW Marriott Marquis is a further upgrade of the JW Marriott brand. Since opening preparation, JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong has been referring to as “the first in China”, foreseeing its glamour and glory with the reputation of this hotel. 

Strategically located, the debut of the JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong marks the birth of a new landmark in Shanghai, adding a touch of color to the city. In return, Shanghai has provided a fertilized field for the development of the hotel. “As a gateway of China, Shanghai is a superior market for the hotel industry, both in terms of business convention and leisure travel, as well bringing in abundant resources for the industry,” said Ms. Pan, “Shanghai has become the most potential and influential destination for conventions and events, producing opportunities for partnerships and developments for hotels.” In addition, the Lujiazui Financial District has grown into the largest capital-intensive CBD in Shanghai, while the completion of Shanghai Tower and the success of Shanghai World Expo and China International Import Expo attracted more attention to this area. The strategic location in Lujiazui helps the JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong receive potential guests as a luxury hotel for business visitors. 

The hectic Lujiazui district witnesses rapid flow of crowds and capital, nourishing hotels of various brands. Yet Ms. Pan expressed confidence that JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong will stand out. The hotel has a total of 515 guest rooms of 9 diverse room types to fulfill individual needs of customers. The 3,200 square meters of convention rooms are capable of satisfying various needs of business guests. Adjacent to the art museum and riverside trail, guests can enjoy art and nature at hand. Inspired by its surroundings, the hotel is designed with elements of river and waves, connecting streets to the river and blending interior design with outdoor sights. In the very moment when guests arrive at the hotel, they will breathe in the air of relaxation. The exquisite design plays with space, bringing the beauty of the HuangpuRiver to guest in different angles. In addition, hotel catering services present another luxury experience to guests by its elevated food and beverage experience. Merchant Kitchen is an all-day-dining restaurant featuring gourmet dining zones with distinctive styles inspired by key merchant cities across the world; Flint Grill and Bar is a specialty restaurant inspired by classic American grills and bars in mid-19th century New York; Le Manoir Ling is a one-of-a-kind Chinese restaurant offering a memorable dining experience in a Chinese and French fusion. 

The extraordinary service of JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong, in support of its environment and facilities, forges the competitiveness of the hotel. As the General Manager of JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong, Ms. Pan attaches great importance to the hotel culture, which is the concept of exceptional services. Ms. Pan believes only when employees receive the experience and absorb the DNA of the brand, can they grow into JW talents and serve guests with the exclusive JW Treatment. 

Adjacent to Huangpu River, JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong will serve as a Luxury Five Star Hotel. The much-awaited opening and development is inseparable from the luxury of the hotel, as well as the inspiring charm of Ms. Pan. She serves as the Guidance Team Member of the Marriott Worldwide Business Councils, Greater China, and the General Manager of JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong. Ms. Pan properly balances two positions with an admirable mindset. For Ms. Pan, her jobs are her passion, where no conflicts exist and things nourish each other. She believes success is made by teamwork but not individual. The humbleness of Ms. Pan touches her team to ardently devote themselves to present the perfectness of the hotel. 

Ms. Pan vividly demonstrated the elegance of a female leader. As the debut of JW Marriott Marquis Hotels in Shanghai, Ms. Pan foresees aspirations in JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong. Under her leadership, we are convinced that JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong will certain recreate an industry legend in this metropolis.