很多人都听说过,烧烤是澳大利亚人的最爱。身为澳大利亚人的我当然也特别钟情于烧烤。所以,当上海豫园万丽酒店的行政总厨Fred Fang邀请我到豫园咖啡厅来吃顿饭,并打算教我煎一块完美的烧烤牛排时,我的心情别提有多激动了。
For anyone wanting to get a real feel for the ancient charm of Shanghai but still keen for some good western cuisine, then this is the perfect option. With views over the famous historical site Yu Garden left from the Ming Dynasty, you can sit in the comforts of Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel whilst enjoying delicious international cuisine plated with elements of China.
Being Australian I do love a barbeque, so I was particularly happy when Executive Chef Fred Fang of Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel invited me to Yu Cafe, to teach me how to make the perfect barbeque steak.
A tender, juicy steak makes a satisfying meal because it can be prepared and
cooked so many ways. Whether you like your steak rare or well done, be sure to
start with the right piece of fresh meat.
Cooking the perfect steak to taste can be a little intimidating, but it shouldn’t be. Chef Fang teaches us that “It’s all about timing and temperature”.
Here are some of his basic tips to put you on your way.
Rare Steak…
Depending on the thickness of the steak, cook for no more than a few minutes on each side.
Medium-Rare Steak…
Cook on one side until moisture is just visible on top. Cook on the second side until surface moisture is visible.
Medium-Well Done Steak…
Cook on one side until moisture is pooling on top. Cook on the second side until moisture is pooling on top. Reduce heat slightly and cook until steak feels firm but still springy with the back of the tongs.
Well Done Steak…
Cook on one side until moisture is pooling on top. Cook on the second side until moisture is pooling on top. Reduce heat slightly and cook until steak feels quite firm with the back of the tongs.