上海淳大万丽酒店举办“匆匆那年”之SHAKE & BUBBLES派对
2015-04-27 14:39:18      来源:大酒店传媒


Renaissance Shanghai Pudong Hotel kicked off a “Fleet of Time” party and took guests a trip down memory lane to discover memories of those already went away along with an exclusive serial Shake & Bubbles party featuring Shanghai life in 70’s & 80’s in ballroom. Over 100 VIPs from corporate clients, in house guests and media gathered in ballroom to experience the “Fleet of Time” party with decor inspired by 70’s and 80’s Shanghai. Uniform of sailor's striped shirt was a hit at the truly unique party featuring old fashion soft drinks and lunch boxes, 70’s & 80’s pop song and traditional Shanghai delicacies including Shanghai red sausage, pan fried wanton, bean curd pudding, sesame ball, noodle with soya sauce & pork oil, fried pork chop with shanghai Worcestershire sauce, wipping cream in cup and cocoa butter cream in puff. The theme of 70’s and 80’s was brought to life with classic animation, live game station of super mario, popular children’s games such as shuttlecock, hopscotch, rubber band, marbles, carmos, pick-up sticks and Chinese chess. The Renaissance "Live Life to Discover" mantra was demonstrated as the guests experienced a memorable night of unique Shanghai discoveries for them to treasure.

上海淳大万丽酒店开启了“匆匆那年”之Shake & Bubbles派对,带着宾客重返70和80年代的上海,一起寻找儿时的记忆。整场派对充斥着70和80年代的上海风情氛围,全体员工穿海魂衫亮相,各色老式软饮料和饭盒,70和80年代的流行音乐均一一呈现。传统地道的的上海小吃包括上海大红肠,油煎菜肉馄饨,豆腐花,大麻球,荷包蛋葱油拌面,油炸大排配黄牌辣酱油,可可奶油哈斗和白糖蝴蝶酥。更有70和80年代动画片,现场打游戏超级玛丽,童年时流行的小游戏包括踢毽子,跳房子,跳皮筋,打弹珠,康乐球,游戏棒以及破解象棋残局。灯光璀璨的宴会厅充斥着此起彼伏的欢声笑语,所有嘉宾都沉浸于这美好而又难忘的时光。
