万豪集团上海地区酒店自行车骑行活动, 用行动点亮绿色未来
2015-04-28 09:05:39      来源:大酒店传媒


In line with Marriott International’s ongoing ‘Spirit to Serve’ community campaign, the Marriott cluster hotels in Shanghai collaboratively hosted a Bicycle Expedition for green planet. The expedition was held by Marriott East China Business Council with the purpose of raising awareness for a healthier environment by using a bicycle. Above 100 members of Marriott Shanghai cluster hotels’ ambassadors including general managers came to Century Park together to kick off the green cycling. As part of the participants for the expedition, selected media was also invited to join this eco-friendly event followed by a healthy breakfast buffet at Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East. People enjoyed a one-hour bicycle riding as all of them spent a memorable morning of fun and doing something good for the planet in Marriott’s spirit to preserve.

秉承着万豪国际集团一贯的“社区服务精神”,万豪集团上海地区姊妹酒店联手举办了自行车绿色骑行活动。该活动由华东区万豪商务理事会举办,以此来呼吁世人以行动积极骑行以保护和绿化环境。100多位万豪集团上海地区姊妹酒店的员工和总经理们在世纪公园齐聚一堂, 开始了绿色骑行活动。作为活动的一部分,一些媒体也受邀参与了这个与众不同的活动。骑行结束后,媒体们在上海金桥红枫万豪酒店享用了丰盛的早餐。在一片欢声笑语中大家共同体验了一次难忘而独特的绿色骑行活动。
