Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai
Steak House has the honor to get the “Best Steak House in Shanghai” with its excellent menu and best service during the 10th edition of Dining City’s Restaurant Week in 2014. To celebrate the coming new year of 2015, Executive Chef Martin Frost presents his new menu at Steak House, featuring the highest quality flame grilled imported Angus burgers with Shanghai style, Italian style and classic western style.
备受食客喜爱的上海四季酒店牛排馆,凭其出色的菜品及殷勤服务在继2014年夏季的上海餐厅周中斩获最佳牛排馆美誉之后,再次惊艳推出全新精选汉堡菜单。此次由酒店行政总厨Martin Frost带领的厨房团队全新推出的特色精选汉堡强调用上乘的配料及纯手工制作与顶级澳洲牛肉完美结合,搭配出多种口味的诱人汉堡,包括:中西合璧的海派精选汉堡,纯正意式风情的安格斯牛肉汉堡及口味浓郁的经典西式汉堡,定能俘获汉堡爱好者的味蕾。