2015-04-28 18:38:47      来源:大酒店传媒


In the secluded grounds of Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai lies a hedonists haven: Thailand’s first world-class Destination Spa, unique both in concept and architecture. The Dheva Spa and Wellness Centre is a palatial 3,100 square metre sanctuary embellished with ornate mouldings and sculptures depicting sacred animals or symbolic Buddhist motifs, loyally recreated by 150 Chiang Mai artisans from the original Burmese template in Mandalay, Myanmar. The whole structure took them over three and a half years to complete. The tranquil treatment rooms; with Thai silks, polished teak wood and marble tiles are punctuated with authentic Asian antiques.

The spectacular exterior is just as equally matched by the sumptuous interiors where guests can enjoy impeccable service and a range of treatments drawn from three continents, with their origins spanning over 5000 years. At the same time, The Dheva Spa also draws on time-honoured rites that are very much part of the ancient Lanna kingdom, of which Chiang Mai was the royal capital. The 25 treatment rooms and suites have been designed for both individuals and couples, as a soothing refuge from urban stress and angst, where the journey to well being can begin.

在清迈黛兰塔维度假酒店绵延60英亩的广阔净土上隐藏着一个享乐主义者的私密天堂:泰国第一个世界级目的地度假水疗--享誉卓著的黛娃水疗馆和健康中心。独一无二的理疗理念和建筑设计都会让您颠覆对Spa的固有认知。黛娃水疗馆和健康中心总面积超过3100平米,气派非凡、自成一体,是一座雕梁画栋的七层柚木大楼,象征着通往天堂之门的七重阶梯,精美绝伦,宏伟辉煌。这座大楼由清迈 150 位能工巧匠按照缅甸古城曼德勒的原型仿制而成。整栋建筑耗时三年半方才竣工,装点繁复、处处可见精美饰品和雅致雕塑,呈现着飞禽走兽和佛陀的形象,极尽奢靡。

水疗馆的内部装饰同样玲珑剔透、巧夺天工,与匠心独具的精美外观相辅相成。您在此可奢享来自三大洲、理念和技术传承超过5000年的丰富多彩的完美理疗服务。鉴于清迈曾经是古代兰纳王朝的首府,黛娃水疗馆也同时大量借鉴了由来已久的兰纳王国古法理疗技艺。 配备的25间理疗室和套房都设有单间和情侣双人间,精心选用高级泰国丝绸、抛光柚木和大理石搭配赏心悦目、极富传统特色的东方古董,烘托出温馨宜人的暖色调,幽静私密又不失奢华高雅。令人忘却城市喧嚣,乐享宁静,彻底沉醉于奢宠身心之旅。

The Treatments

The Dheva Spa and Wellness Centre at Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai proudly offers a broad variety of European, Asian and North African relaxation therapies as well Indian holistic treatments based on Ayurveda, from the Sanskrit meaning ‘science of life’. Among its numerous unique features there are soothing Vichy showers, elegant Watsu Pool and giant hammams beautifully appointed among the spa’s dark wood panelled chambers. Popular Thai, Swedish and ancient Indian massage techniques are available, as well as a blissful range of aromatherapy treatments. Some of these rituals are unique to Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai many have their roots in Lanna culture and have been revived by a team of spa specialists and historians. The Tok Sen, or Lanna Massage, is just one example. Once popular in North Thailand, this stimulating massage technique is rarely practised today.

Tok Sen involves applying warm herbal oil to the whole body and gently massaging the tissue along pressure points, the therapist then takes a light gavel made of tamarind wood to tap rhythmically along the muscles. This even, repetitive tapping motion promotes a hypnotic effect on the mind, thus easing muscle tension and promoting relaxation.

Similarly, The Mandalay Experience, lasting three hours and twenty minutes, is unique to Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai it uses the Thai kaffir lime together with the natural Burmese cosmetic thanaka as a gentle body scrub.

Not all treatments are of Asian origin, the Rhassoul is derived from an ancient Arabic cleansing ritual where the guest lies in a steam room wrapped in mineral-rich river mud that slowly draws toxins from within. As the mud dries, the lights dim and a gentle herbal mist sprinkle tiny droplets of water from the ceiling. The mist helps keep the rejuvenated skin hydrated while the herbs help boost the respiratory system. The ritual ends as the mud is gently washed away by a warm rain shower.

The health specialist team will customize treatments to meet individual dosha, or body type, needs. The purposely built Ayurvedic suite is dedicated to providing a wide range of time-tested Ayurvedic treatments and therapies.



清迈黛兰塔维度假酒店拥有不少根源于兰纳文化并已经被水疗专家和历史学家们复原改良的理疗疗程。Tok Sen,又称兰纳按摩就是其中一个例子,这项曾经在古域泰北盛行一时的敲打式古老按摩技艺现在已不多见。

Tok Sen 意指“敲打经络”,这项传统护理疗法现将具有舒缓作用的温热草药精油轻抚至全身并沿着身体经络揉捏,接着理疗师会用天然罗望子木材制成小木槌沿着即肌肉重复并有节奏地轻敲,这种动作具有很好的催眠功效,从而缓解肌肉紧张,促进能量循环,重塑身心平衡。



健康理疗专家团队可以通过与客人沟通以测定每个人的“督夏”, 或体质和需求,并据此定制不同的疗程方案。水疗馆特设的阿育吠陀养生中心,又称“韦达养生中心”其目的就是为客人提供多种久经验证的阿育吠陀草药护理和疗法。
