2015-04-29 11:10:20      来源:大酒店传媒


Situated on the second floor of Hotel Indigo Tianjin Haihe’s Main Villa, among the 11 unique villas at the hotel, Albert’s is the beating heart of the hotel offering breakfast, lunch and dinner. Covering the entire floor with seating for up to 50 people, Albert’s also features an outside patio that looks out across the villas and the courtyard. Named after Albert Kiessling who opened the first foreign restaurant in Tianjin, the restaurant takes much of its inspiration from Tianjin’s historical past and brings it right up to date with touches of flair in both its menu and design. The menu and vibe at Albert’s has a real fresh and funky feel, and doesn’t feel as though it’s a traditional hotel venue. The brightly colored walls and crockery are accented by a bustling live station in the centre of the main dining area that is central to breakfast service. The coffee at Albert’s all supplied from independent boutique coffeemakers using 100 percent single-origin, fair-trade Arabica beans. Albert’s La Marzocco coffee machine, custom made in Florence is also a central feature in the restaurant, with the Albert’s team all trained in the arts of coffee making be the Sumerian Coffee themselves.

艾尔伯兹位于天津海河英迪格酒店主别墅二层,即11幢别树一帜的别墅其中之一,为宾客供应早午晚餐。这间全层餐厅可容纳50位客人,另外设有户外平台,别墅群及庭园景致一览无遗。艾尔伯兹以首位在天津开办西餐厅的Albert Kiessling先生的名字命名,以天津历史为灵感源泉并注入新意,创作出别出心裁的佳肴及室内设计。艾尔伯兹不论菜式设计或餐厅氛围,均尽显清新型格,跟一般传统酒店食府大相径庭。除了颜色鲜艳的墙壁及陶器之外,主餐区中央更设有深受客人欢迎的现场烹饪台,这亦是早餐服务的重要一环。艾尔伯兹有原产阿拉比卡咖啡豆香浓醇厚, 餐厅内的La Marzocco咖啡机于佛罗伦萨度身制造,是其一大特色。艾尔伯兹团队学习钻研顶级咖啡艺术,训练有素。
