对话亚洲精品酒店集团大中华区副总经理夏彬彬:专注亚洲 & 缔造精品
2015-04-29 12:18:13      来源:大酒店传媒


<Grand Hotels>: How about the market feedback of four individual hotel branding by Boutique Hospitality Management Asia ? What’s the next strategic planning in 2014?

Mr.Jack Xia: Boutique Hospitality Management Asia (BHMAsia) Grand China was launched successfully in June 2013 owning to fully preparation over one year about marketing investigation, well connection with different nationality staff. We had a conclusion there still existed lots of investiments needs from hotel property, owners were pretty interested in flexible,win-win,boutique hotel projects in nowdays.In 2014, we will focus on developing over 30 boutique hotels and YAN SPA in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and other southeast Asia coutries.Rencently, On February 20th, a grand cooperation singing ceremony was jointly held successfully by BHMAsia and Jia Xing Cullinan East as an excellent property owner from tourism city Jia Xin which has 1.2 million permanent population and connecting Jiang Su, Zhe Jjiang Province and Shanghai, located in the hotest CBD area,to be the most potential commercial real eastate investment projects with international branded 4 star hotel.

<Grand Hotels>: What’s the difference of YAN SPA with others,could you share the next steps with us?

Mr.Jack Xia: AN SPA comes from ancient heritage about the ROYAL THAI MASSAGE to embraced with unique and exotic spa treatments that reflect the beauty,spirit. With our three selling pionts and two promises,YAN SPA becomes the most competitiveness spa & massage management, design brand in Asia Pacific.Three selling pionts: Provide service standard in terms of Thai Royal spa & massage Support by YAN SPA global website and membership systerm resource, high standard facilities with our boutique properties. Reasonable price for both business, travellers and local families. Two promises: key services team from Thailand with spa license natural and high quality spa products from Thailand.This year, we will focus on promotion by road show in grand china and there will be 8 more YAN SPA centers into hotels and more than 5 boutique hotels opend in Grand China.Our JiangSu Branch Office will be built supported by the Thailand’s technician,SPA manager and business development director. Let’s forward their coming soon.

<Grand Hotels>: Could you tell about some exclusive features about BHMAsia?

Mr.Jack Xia: There are three features about us as following: Firstly, sharp branding identification,focus asia creat boutique is our slogan.We adhere to low cost, Sophisticated design, feasible and profitable,such as our project X2,Case,Away,Le Bayburi and YAN SPA.They had been acknowledged and very popular with over 300,000 members in Asia Pacific,also famous for its delicious cuisine, exclusive spa & massage as investiment as well. Secondly, stable operation method, flexible cooperation basic and practical support is also our advantage.For example:in Bangkok,Huahin,KuiWu,Phuket,KohKood in Thailand,Hainan in China and: Whitehorse in Cambodia,our YAN SPA owners achieved their goals by cooperation with us who get lots of talents support, design support, technical support during opening.They are able to use low cost gain much profits under the help of Thailand’s certificatation technician and natural spa & massage products because miracel moment hospitality management as legal franchised office in grand china provides flexiable profits sharing standard during 6 years for them.The fusion of the characteristics of local development and management services. Thirdly,fusion with local marketing is always the priority with us.We will be continuously devote to bring boutique hotels,spa & massage opportunities into China as the pioneer in hospitality management.

<Grand Hotels>: Could you share something news about the BHMAsia?

Mr.Jack Xia: BMHAsia Group the 1st Quarter of 2014 Meeting had been hold in Thai 2014 March. Mr. Frederic, the Director of Operations and Development and Mr Jack Xia the Vice President Business Development Grand China had adjusted and updated the 2014-2015 YAN SPA cooperation conditions according the 2013 marking feedback to make connection of the technician team training, products development & distribution more efficiency, meanwhile, they had published 3 selling points and 2 commitments to Chinese market. Mr. Michael Zhang the CEO of Miracle moment with his team had inspected the X2 (Cross To) boutique hotels in both Chiamg & Samui (Thailand) and couples of YANSPA in Thai.So far, BMH Asia had been approached 2 The Case Hotels (Business Hotel), 1 X2 (Cross TO) boutique hotel, 1 Away international hotel (Resort), besides, there are 4 YAN SPA in 4 hotels are in the coming negotiation, specially the Yiyun Landscap Spa Resort which is located in Hainan island will open in May 2014.2 flagship YANSPA will grand open in 2014 one in Lujiazui Pudong, the other is in Shanxi Lu Puxi will coming soon.

<Grand Hotels>: Could you tell about some exclusive features about BHMAsia?

Mr.Jack Xia: There are three features about us as following: Firstly, sharp branding identification,focus asia creat boutique is our slogan.We adhere to low cost, Sophisticated design, feasible and profitable,such as our project X2,Case,Away,Le Bayburi and YAN SPA.They had been acknowledged and very popular with over 300,000 members in Asia Pacific,also famous for its delicious cuisine, exclusive spa & massage as investiment as well. Secondly, stable operation method, flexible cooperation basic and practical support is also our advantage.For example:in Bangkok,Huahin,KuiWu,Phuket,KohKood in Thailand,Hainan in China and: Whitehorse in Cambodia,our YAN SPA owners achieved their goals by cooperation with us who get lots of talents support, design support, technical support during opening.They are able to use low cost gain much profits under the help of Thailand’s certificatation technician and natural spa & massage products because miracel moment hospitality management as legal franchised office in grand china provides flexiable profits sharing standard during 6 years for them.The fusion of the characteristics of local development and management services. Thirdly,fusion with local marketing is always the priority with us.We will be continuously devote to bring boutique hotels,spa & massage opportunities into China as the pioneer in hospitality management.

<Grand Hotels>:Could you share something news about the BHMAsia?

Mr.Jack Xia: BMHAsia Group the 1st Quarter of 2014 Meeting had been hold in Thai 2014 March. Mr. Frederic, the Director of Operations and Development and Mr Jack Xia the Vice President Business Development Grand China had adjusted and updated the 2014-2015 YAN SPA cooperation conditions according the 2013 marking feedback to make connection of the technician team training, products development & distribution more efficiency, meanwhile, they had published 3 selling points and 2 commitments to Chinese market. Mr. Michael Zhang the CEO of Miracle moment with his team had inspected the X2 (Cross To) boutique hotels in both Chiamg & Samui (Thailand) and couples of YANSPA in Thai.So far, BMH Asia had been approached 2 The Case Hotels (Business Hotel), 1 X2 (Cross TO) boutique hotel, 1 Away international hotel (Resort), besides, there are 4 YAN SPA in 4 hotels are in the coming negotiation, specially the Yiyun Landscap Spa Resort which is located in Hainan island will open in May 2014.2 flagship YANSPA will grand open in 2014 one in Lujiazui Pudong, the other is in Shanxi Lu Puxi will coming soon.

《大酒店》:亚洲精品酒店集团旗下的四个国际酒店品牌在进入中国市场8个月后得到了怎样的市场反馈? 2014年,亚洲精品酒店集团对中国地区市场的战略规划和布局有何新动向?

夏彬彬先生:亚洲精品酒店集团通过2012年一年的市场调研、国际与国内团队整合、通过2013年上半年6个月的大量准备工作,于2013年6月13日正式进驻中国。得到的普遍反馈可以集中为:业主对酒店品牌国际化、精致小众、灵活合作、可持续赢利等实际的方面更为感兴趣。从以前的盲目引进大牌、打国际酒店概念,到引进合作的品牌、考虑能长期为项目的管理和赢利拖底防方面转变。2014年,我们亚洲精品酒店管理集团战略部署计划除了我们目前在泰国、马来西亚、新加坡等东南亚地区已经开业的30家酒店外,最近又与“嘉兴东方天玺”成功签署合作项目,本项目将集酒店住宿、社会餐饮、主题餐饮、连锁KTV、泰国水疗按摩健康中心、健康美容整形、精品购物中心、时尚电影院等为一体。秉承“凯斯国际酒店品牌/CASE”的经营特色,提倡“LIFE STYLE”的生活理念,联手共同打造强烈设计感、时尚、舒适的酒店核心住宿产品,同时植入泰国皇室水疗和按摩品牌YAN SPA,届时将诞生嘉兴地区酒店行业的新坐标。

《大酒店》:YAN SPA品牌是亚洲精品酒店集团专属的纯正泰国水疗及按摩高端品牌,请简要介绍下它的特点及发展现状?

夏彬彬先生:YAN SPA泰国皇室高端水疗品牌起源于古老的泰国皇室历代寻找的长生不老药-永恒的青春。独特的纯手工泰式经典按摩水疗手法,结合东南亚异域植物芳香的治愈系能量,使体验者感受到心灵与自然的深度融合。作为东南亚地区高端水疗按摩品牌之一,在进入中国市场之前,我们通过一年半的研究与探讨,比其他水疗品牌所无法复制的核心竞争力。其三大卖点及两大承诺是品牌的品质保证和服务承诺。三大买点:一、严格执行百年泰国皇室水疗及按摩服务标准。二、共享所在高星酒店硬件设施、YAN SPA全球网站资源推广和东南亚地区会员资源。三、适合普通商旅客人及家庭举家消费的合理化价格体系。两大承诺:一、承诺所有核心服务团队均为来自泰国的注册技师。二、承诺所有产品均为来自泰国的纯天然高品质产品。今年,我们针对YAN SPA在中国地区的发展有几大举措:一,针对国内高星酒店水疗项目的发展和合作展开一系列的路演活动,将由泰国水疗中心总部委派发展总监、水疗经理、水疗技师团队来海南,上海,浙江,江苏做巡回路演。二,江苏大区即将在近期成立大区品牌营运中心,针对大区内的酒店业主和酒店投资人提供更为便利的品牌对接和营运服务。 三、预期今年在中国地区将开出高端酒店水疗中心约8家,旗下国际品牌酒店约5家,稳健投资,缔造精品是我们发展的战略口号,期待大家和亚洲精品酒店的亲密接触!


夏彬彬先生:我们亚洲精品酒店集团有几大特色:一、品牌定位清晰(关注亚洲、缔造精品)、特色明显(投入小、设计强、重生活、产利润)例如:X2精品酒店及度假村,凯斯/CASE国际酒店,艾维/AWAY度假酒店,贝布里/LE BAYBURI度假村及别墅及YAN SPA泰国皇室专业水疗/按摩品牌等。以上这些品牌都在东南亚地区拥有较高的知名度及超过30万的忠诚会员基础,是高端房产项目和酒店融会贯通的理想投资项目。二、成熟稳健的运营方式、灵活的合作基础、实际可行的业务支持。就以目前在泰国:曼谷,华欣,奎武里,普吉岛,阁骨岛,中国:海南,柬埔寨:白马市拥有实体项目的YAN SPA品牌举例:与我们合作的客户将直接获得集团亚太区总部五大服务支持:人力支持、设计支持、技术支持开业支持,帮助我们的合作伙伴最大限度地降低投资风险,以最小的投入获得最大的利润。较之一些大集团的合作模式,我们的更为灵活,6年一周期,综合品牌费内提供大量实际支持,做出成绩再谈奖励。



夏彬彬先生:为积极推动精品酒店和泰国品质水疗在中国酒店业的发展,2014年3月上旬,亚洲精品酒店集团第一季度品牌工作会议在泰国曼谷召开,大中华区(诚瑞国际酒店管理)高管全程参加了本次亚太区会议。目前,亚洲精品酒店集团在华共推出了四款酒店品牌和一款纯正泰国水疗按摩品牌YANSPA。泰国高端水疗按摩品牌YANSPA自2013年初进入中国地区以来,出乎意料的受到了国内高端品牌酒店的亲睐。其专业为酒店水疗按摩和健康中心打造的YANSPA,为酒店将该部门提升为:品牌中心、利润中心、服务中心,带来了操作上的可能。 本次,由YANSPA亚太区发展总监Mr.Frederic和大中华区副总经理夏彬彬先生等为核心的YANSPA中心,针对2013年一年的市场反馈,对2014-2015年度YANSPA和国内酒店的合作上更新了众多的条款,并在技师团队、产品研发、货品输送、人员培训等方面进行了更为有效的接轨。并针对中国市场正式发布:三大卖点,两大承诺。同期,由大中华区总裁张大昆先生为首,视察了集团位于泰国清迈和苏梅岛的X2 CROSS TO精品酒店项目,及 YANSPA旗下的多家水疗中心。目前,亚洲精品酒店集团除已签洽的两家凯斯国际酒店(商务)、1家X2 CROSSTO精品酒店、1家艾维国际酒店(度假)外,共签洽四家高端酒店内的YAN SPA水疗中心,其中位于国际旅游度假岛(海南)兴隆的忆云山水华美达度假酒店YAN SPA水疗和温泉中心将于今年5月左右盛大开业。很快,上海地区浦东(陆家嘴)和浦西(陕西路)的两家YAN SPA旗舰店将在年内问世。
