2015-04-29 12:22:36      来源:大酒店传媒


One of China and Asia’s leading resorts and spas, Fuchun Resort is nestled among rolling tea terraces alongside the banks of the Fuchun River. The famous painting ‘The Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains’, by Yuan Dynasty artist Huang Gongwang(1347) showcases the charming scenery of Fuchun Resort. The resort offers 70 guest rooms, 17 Private Villas, an award-winning Day Spa, an 18-hole professional Golf Course and numerous one-of-a-kind Event Spaces. Fuchun Resort earned recognition and praise from national and international guests since opening in 2004. It also has won numerous prestigious awards, such as World Travel Awards for Asia’s Leading Luxury Golf Resort, Asia’s Leading Villa, and China’s Leading Resort; Hurun ‘Best of the Best award’ awards for preferred Golf Course in Zhejiang for two years in a row.  

This spring Fuchun will celebrate its 10th anniversary with luxurious tea-infused retreats, Longjing tea-testing and Chinese tea art exploration with the launch of the ‘Fuchun Tea retreat package’ including a three day and two night tea trip valid. Guests can handpick Longjing tea in the natural tea garden and the Tea Master will specially prepare a Fuchun Resort packaged branded bag of tea leaves to take home.

This year the resort will launch Fuchun Resort exclusive events centered on tea culture. During 2 to 4 April (Lunar calendar March 3), as the master of modern tea culture, Mr. He Jian has been invited to share his tea life around Fuchun Resort’s picturesque scenery: on a boat ride, along the Fuchun Lake, or in the Longjing tea garden.

Residents can join Fuchun Resort’s very own Tea Master in the tea plantations. Best picked just after the sun has risen over the lake at the resort, the local Longjing tea is considered the crème de la crème of green teas for its leaves’ very tight and flat shape and light green color. After spending over an hour in the plantations collecting the tea leaves, residents will join the Tea Master in pan-frying the leaves to halt the oxidization process so that the leaves maintain their natural flavor as much as possible. There are numerous health benefits from drinking Longjing tea; due to the minimum preparation of the leaves prior to drinking, the leaves contain beneficial antioxidants that help cleanse the body.

Also included in the package is Fuchun Spa’s 60-minute signature Dragon Well Foot Treatment which has become one of the Spa’s signature treatments. The Longjing tea helps to detoxify the skin in the feet and creates an invigorating feeling through the five stages of the treatment. Firstly, the feet are soaked in tea-infused warm water, before the fresh Longjing tea leaves are combined with mint and lime for a cleansing scrub and to help absorb the essence of the tea leaves. This is followed by a Sea and Epsom Salt rub that helps relax the feet before a massage and essential oils with peppermint and lemon are worked into the feet to offer a cooling and refreshing finish.

享誉亚洲的顶级度假村兼水疗中心富春山居隐匿于茶山环绕的富春湖畔。中国元代画家黄公望1347年的名作《富春山居图》,描绘的正是富春山居度假村所在地的绝色景致。富春山居拥有70间客房,17栋豪华独立别墅,一间获奖的水疗中心,一个18洞的标准高尔夫球场和众多独一无二的活动空间。 富春山居自2004年诞生至今,赢得了众多国内外游客的认可和好评,且屡获殊荣,曾连续多年荣获国际旅游界奥斯卡奖WTA“亚洲最佳高尔夫度假村”、“亚州最佳别墅”和“中国最佳度假村”荣誉。富春山居高尔夫俱乐部连续两年被《胡润百富》评为最受企业家青睐的浙江高尔夫球场。

甲午之春,富春山居十周年庆典以“体验茶香之旅,品鉴富春龙井,探索中华茶艺” 拉开了序幕。富春山居还将根据春夏秋冬四季的变化,举办一系列不同主题的文化活动,让宾客有机会在人杰地灵的富阳,与先贤们来一场穿越时空的交流。



