2016-05-27 09:59:05      来源:大酒店传媒

Matthias Weiser先生被最新任命为


      Matthias Weiser来自德国,拥有22年的豪华国际餐厅工作经验,足迹遍及德国、蒙古以及中国,并曾多次获得业内大奖。在此次任命之前,Matthias曾为杭州和上海Brotzeit餐厅的总厨。


       对于接任新的万丽咖啡厅行政总厨一职,Matthias表示:“作为万丽咖啡厅的新任总厨,我将秉承传统,并加以个人创新,始终保持德式美食领域的盛誉。我将带领厨房团队与餐饮团队紧密合作, 以确保酒店对烹饪卓越的承诺及在竞争激烈的高端餐饮市场领先的地位。为达到这一目标,我们必须始终坚持对食材的严格挑选,以及坚持不懈地为宾客提供完善的服务以创造难忘的用餐体验。”

We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Matthias Weiser as new Executive Chef. Mr. Weiser was born in Germany . His career started working in “ Germany” gastronomic scene and he brings more than 22 years extensive experience in F&B in top luxury international restaurants
throughout Germany, Ulaanbaatar and China.

Prior to joining the Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel, Matthias was the kitchen head chef at Brotzeit Restaurant in Hangzhou and Shanghai where he focused  on the improvement and innovation of cooking techniques and integration of local ingredients to create an unforgettable dining
experience for the customers.

In his new role, Matthias will revamp our culinary offerings and update the menu to offer both classic dishes and new creations, ensuring the highest standards are observed in quality and presentation and providing a superior experience to our customers . With over 22 years’ experience as  Chef, he will bring new ideas and vitality to the elite Food and Beverage team at Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel.
