2016-07-05 12:16:10      来源:大酒店传媒


意式下午茶,北京金融街威斯汀大酒店Prego意大利餐厅7月及8月倾情呈现。舌尖环游意大利,从威尼斯到皮埃蒙特,从罗马至托斯卡纳,汇聚东西南北的各地特色美食尽相呈现在Prego意式下午茶,包括意式三明治、面包、蛋糕、甜点…更多美味更多惊喜。更多信息请致电6629 7815

Travel to Venice, Rome, Tuscany and Piedmont in a culinary journey where the hotel present you with an Italian High Tea at its best. Tick into a tasty spread of authentic Italian favorites at Prego. A wide range of Italian sandwiches, bread, cakes and pastries and much more that bring the most significant characteristics from the most beautiful regions in Italy.

异国风情之恋,思悦兹7月及8月为喜欢水果口味您打造别样感受。水果正当时!饼房厨师选材于时下盛产的水果,精心制作各种口味蛋糕亮相思悦兹。橙子百香果蛋糕、椰子芒果蛋糕、桃子灯笼果蛋糕等,令人难忘甜蜜美妙时刻。更多信息请致电6629 7812。

We love Exotic fruits! And the hotel choose them at their best points to make the most delicious and mouth-watering desserts during July and August. Perfect for any occasion and crafted by our talented Pastry Chef  The “Daily Treats” Exotic Cakes will turn any moment into a sweet and delectable experience. Savor our glamorous Orange- Passion Fruit Cakes, Coconut and Mango Cakes and be surprised by the well paired flavors of the Peach and Goose Berry Cakes.

香槟配生蚝,烈日炎炎的7月,北京金融街威斯汀大酒店Plush大堂酒廊诚邀您莅临。品尝新鲜肥美的生蚝佐并以口味饱满,泡沫纤柔细致的香槟,是蚝粉们休憩于Plush大堂酒廊或户外花园的优选,沁心爽口之时,驱散暑热之际。更多信息请致电6629 7825。

The hotel invite all Oysterlovers to the upcoming oyster and Champagne festival to be hosted in Plush and Zen Garden. Enjoy our freshly shucked Oysters accompanied with a selection of Champagne. These indulgent days are not to be missed.
