The Westin SZ Unveiled New Afternoon Tea
2022-08-19 16:29:07      来源:大酒店传媒


In collaboration with THIALH Jewellery and Holiday Club, The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan has launched a unique afternoon tea tasting event at the Grange Grill on the 25th floor. The afternoon tea is jointly prepared by Chef Sam Wu, Executive Chef of Grange Grill, and Jo Yang, Executive Pastry Chef. Inspired by THIALH Jewellery series, they created an afternoon tea with the theme of Elegance.

During the event, guests enjoyed their time of impearling the painting, which is inspired by one the Westin brand’s six pillars of well-being, Feel Well. After that they watched model fashion show in THIALH Jewellery 2022 collection.

The selection menu includes coconut sphere in shape of Jewellery, lemon madelaine with white chocolate, dark chocolate madelaine, brancake, and scone. For salty pastries, there are cherry foie gras mousse, panko french oyster, and pressed salmon.

The new afternoon tea for two persons will be available between 14:00 and 16:30 from August 15 to November 30, 2022 at Grange Grill.

初秋物语,不期而至,甜蜜滋味也赋秋而来。深圳益田威斯汀酒店携手英国珠宝设计品牌THIALH和深圳益田假日广场,在酒店25层威斯汀扒房成功举办了一场别样的高级珠宝联名私享会。威斯汀扒房主厨Sam Wu和饼房行政总厨Jo Yang联袂合作,以精湛厨艺及创意巧思汲取THIALH系列珠宝为创作灵感,倾力打造“邂逅优雅”主题联名下午茶。主厨们将柔美的珍珠造型融入下午茶餐点,精选当季食材,匠心制作五款甜品,三款咸点,搭配JING茶温润,将惬意优雅谱写进午后的曼妙时光。

光影流连间,只为邂逅THIALH主题联名下午茶的优雅体验。受邀VIP宾客在专属顾问的指引下,签到入座。THIALH销售总监Coco介绍品牌以及传递英式优雅、灵动革新为品牌理念;深圳益田日广场吴总与深圳益田威斯汀酒店运营总监Felix Hu出席发布仪式并致欢迎辞;时尚模特们迈着婀娜动人的步伐,展示THIALH 2022系列珠宝,将灵动优雅淋漓演绎,散发熠熠星光;现场珍珠手作画带领宾客走进专属于威斯汀扒房的午后惬意氛围,每一副画作的基底都来自THIALH团队手工制作完成,宾客可以根据自已的创意进行装点。这次的珍珠手作画创作源泉取自威斯汀品牌所推崇的健康理念——“舒畅身心”,创作的过程有益身心,放松精神,让宾客在创作过程中收获更多欣喜而快乐的时光。



