2024-01-19 11:05:59      来源:大酒店传媒

      Sun Siyam Resorts致力于在马尔代夫和斯里兰卡以可持续和负责任的方式经营,并提供真实的客户体验。我们的Sun Siyam Cares计划通过减少能源和水的使用、管理废物以减少塑料使用、支持社区发展和投资可再生能源等举措,将可持续性置于首要位置。我们还专注于保护工作,致力于保护当地的遗产和文化传统。通过遵循这些可持续性实践和政策,我们旨在最大限度地减少对环境的影响和碳足迹,并为我们所经营的社区的社会经济福祉做出贡献。


      我们目前正在努力获得所有度假村的Travelife认证,并已经在马尔代夫的五个度假村中的三个度假村获得了该认证。Sun Siyam Iru Veli、Sun Siyam Vilu Reef、Sun Siyam Olhuveli和Sun Siyam Iru Fushi通过Travelife金级认证,获得了其可持续旅游努力的全球认可。预计Siyam World也将很快获得该认证。





      通过Sun Siyam Cares优先考虑人和社区

      Sun Siyam Resorts致力于履行企业社会责任,尤其是我们所活跃的社区。我们的核心价值观包括将所有可持续实践与我们对人民和社区的承诺结合起来。通过Sun Siyam Cares,我们支持当地小型社区企业并赋予其权力,帮助减少贫困和失业,在我们的度假村提供就业机会,并支持医疗保健和教育计划。我们还努力践行性别平等,为员工提供发展和培训,帮助他们进步并实现职业目标。此外,我们将当地食物准备、日常清洁和园艺等工作外包给妇女发展委员会,为当地妇女提供收入来源。


      在Sun Siyam度假村的生物农场探索当地农业和可持续实践

      Sun Siyam Resorts度假村为客人提供参观我们三个农场岛屿之一的机会,了解当地的耕作方法,并每周参观种植并供应给我们度假村的农产品。这是向客人展示我们如何支持当地农业社区和劳动力的好方法,同时还通过购买本地产品来减少碳食品印刷。我们的农场种植超过38种水果和蔬菜,包括香蕉、椰子、黄瓜、木瓜、西红柿等。生物农场促进可持续发展,具有成本效益,使用有机投入,为当地社区创收,甚至可以通过出口创收。Sun Siyam Cares正在采取措施促进当地岛屿的生物农业,并正在考虑投资更好的农业设备,例如堆肥机和可再生能源机器,以及海水养殖和家禽养殖。



      马尔代夫以其丰富的海洋生物多样性和多样化的生态系统而闻名。在Sun Siyam Resorts,我们通过Sun Siyam Cares支持生态倡议和生物多样性项目,以保护和保存我们的环境、珊瑚礁和海洋生物,并与当地议会合作,确保我们遵守适当的协议。我们的客人还可以参与保护活动,例如珊瑚绑扎和植树,这些活动在过去一年中受到越来越多的关注。我们的每处房产都拥有或将拥有一名海洋生物学家,致力于保护我们脆弱的珊瑚礁和海洋生物系统,重点是珊瑚礁恢复。




      作为100%马尔代夫独资的公司,Sun Siyam Resorts重视保护我们丰富的文化遗产。我们非常重视庆祝和传播我们的文化习俗,并为客人提供通过讲故事、文化舞蹈和庆祝活动展示以及当地岛屿探索之旅来了解和参与这些传统的机会。这些文化体验让客人能够更深入地了解和欣赏我们的文化和人民,也为当地社区的发展做出贡献。Sun Siyam Cares支持这些保护和展示我们当地遗产的努力。




      马尔代夫正在向更加可持续的生活方式过渡,Sun Siyam Resorts致力于可持续发展并减少塑料足迹。我们已经淘汰或更换了一次性塑料和一次性塑料制品,例如塑料袋、吸管和水瓶。我们的度假岛屿拥有自己的海水淡化和装水厂,利用反渗透从海水中生产淡水。通过Sun Siyam Cares,我们正在为客人开发一款应用程序,展示我们的可持续发展努力和项目,包括我们对可生物降解或环保包装的关注。我们还致力于开发水优化设备,用于测量传感器数据,以减少海水淡化、工业和市政运营中的水和柴油消耗。



      为了保护马尔代夫的自然美景并防止塑料污染我们的生态系统,Sun Siyam Resorts致力于可持续的固体废物管理,并遵守严格的回收准则。我们优先考虑岛上塑料和纸张的再利用和回收。Sun Siyam Cares还支持堆肥项目和生产有机肥料的机械,这有助于减少废物、回收有机废物,并为我们的土壤和植物施肥。堆肥具有许多环境效益,包括改善土壤健康、减少温室气体排放、回收养分以及减轻干旱的影响。




      马尔代夫日照充足,非常适合太阳能发电。政府制定了到2030年实现净零排放的目标,并到2030年实现70%的电力来自可再生能源。根据这些目标,Sun Siyam Cares正在投资太阳能项目,例如在宾客和宾客处安装太阳能电池板。度假村洗衣区的员工住宿和太阳能热水器。这些太阳能热水器在白天利用太阳能加热水,并配有电加热元件作为阴天的备用电源。太阳能热水器是一种低成本、长期的热水解决方案,无需维护。

      我们的客人可以通过每栋别墅/每次住宿10美元的捐款来支持我们由Sun Siyam Cares领导的项目和可持续活动。

Sun Siyam Resorts is dedicated to operating sustainably and responsibly in the Maldives and Sri Lanka while offering authentic guest experiences. Our Sun Siyam Cares programme prioritizes sustainability through initiatives such as reducing energy and water use, managing waste to reduce plastic use, supporting community development, and investing in renewable energy. We also focus on conservation efforts and work to preserve local heritage and cultural practices. By following these sustainability practices and Sustainaibility Policies, we aim to minimize our environmental impact, carbon footprint and contribute to the socio-economic well-being of the communities in which we operate.

Earns Travelife Gold Certification for Sustainable Tourism Practices

We are currently working towards obtaining Travelife certification for all our resorts and have already achieved it for three of our five properties in the Maldives. Sun Siyam Iru Veli, Sun Siyam Vilu Reef, Sun Siyam Olhuveli, and Sun Siyam Iru Fushi have received global recognition for their sustainable tourism efforts through the Travelife Gold Certification. Siyam World is expected to receive it soon.

Travelife is a non-profit flagship program that supports tourism destinations, businesses, and travelers in implementing innovative solutions for the continuous development of sustainable tourism. To achieve Travelife Gold Certification, a resort must meet 163 sustainability criteria, including minimizing waste and energy use, addressing social issues, supporting employee welfare and wildlife protection, and supporting the local community and local businesses.

Our people


Prioritizes People and Community through Sun Siyam Cares

Sun Siyam Resorts is committed to corporate social responsibility, especially in regards to the communities we are active in. Our core values include aligning all sustainable practices with our commitment to people and our community. Through Sun Siyam Cares, we support and empower small local community businesses helping to reduce poverty and unemployment, providing job opportunities at our resorts, and supporting healthcare and educational initiatives,. We also endeavour to practice gender equality and provide development and training to our employees to help them progress and achieve their career goals. In addition, we outsource jobs such as local food preparation,daily cleaning and gardening works to women’s development committees that provides for a source of income for local women.

Bio Farming


Exploring Local Agriculture and Sustainable Practices at Sun Siyam Resorts' Bio Farms在Sun Siyam

Sun Siyam Resorts offers guests the opportunity to visit one of our three farm islands to learn about local farming methods and see the produce that is grown and supplied to our resorts on a weekly basis. This is a great way to showcase to our guests how we supporte the local farming community and workforce, while also reducing the carbon food-print by buying local. Our farms cultivate over 38 varieties of fruits and vegetables, including bananas, coconut, cucumbers, papayas, tomatoes, and more. Bio farms promote sustainable development, are cost-effective, use organic inputs, generate income for the local community, and can even generate income through exports. Sun Siyam Cares is taking steps to boost bio farming in local islands and is considering investing in better farming equipment, such as composting machines and renewable energy machines, as well as in mari-culture and poultry farming.

Bio Diversity


Conserving the Maldives' Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystems

The Maldives is known for its rich marine biodiversity and diverse ecosystems. At Sun Siyam Resorts, we support eco-initiatives and biodiversity projects through Sun Siyam Cares to protect and preserve our environment, coral reefs, and marine life, in collaboration with local councils to ensure we follow proper protocols. Our guests can also participate in conservation efforts, such as coral binding and tree planting, of which have seen an increase in interest over the past year. Each of our properties has or will have a marine biologist dedicated to preserving our delicate reefs and marine life systems, with a focus on coral reef restoration.

Marine biologists invite guests to join them on the house reef to participate in the creation of a new coral reef in the lagoon. Together, they will collect damaged coral and re-plant it on metal frames. As they work, they will also have the opportunity to monitor the growth of the coral and see it thrive in its new home. This is a hands-on opportunity to make a positive impact on the marine ecosystem and learn about the importance of coral reefs.


Embrace and Preserving the Culture of the Maldives

As a 100% Maldivian owned company, Sun Siyam Resorts values the preservation of our rich cultural heritage. We place a strong emphasis on celebrating and communicating our cultural practices, and we offer guests the opportunity to learn about and participate in these traditions through story-telling, demonstrations of cultural dances and celebrations, and discovery visits to local islands. These cultural experiences allow guests to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of our culture and people, and also contribute to the development of local communities. Sun Siyam Cares supports these efforts to preserve and showcase our local heritage.



Reducing Plastic Footprint and Advancing Sustainability

The Maldives is transitioning to a more sustainable way of life, and Sun Siyam Resorts is committed to sustainability and reducing our plastic footprint. We have already eliminated or replaced single-use plastics and disposable such as plastic bags, straws, and water bottles. Our resort islands have their own desalination and water bottling plants that use reverse osmosis to produce fresh water from seawater. Through Sun Siyam Cares, we are developing an app for guests that showcases our sustainability efforts and projects, including our focus on biodegradable or environmentally friendly packaging. We are also working on water optimization devices that measure sensor data to reduce water and diesel consumption in desalination, industrial, and municipal operations.


Sustainable Solid Waste Management and Recycling

To preserve the natural beauty of the Maldives and prevent plastic contamination of our ecosystem, Sun Siyam Resorts is committed to sustainable solid waste management and adheres to strict recycling guidelines. We prioritize the reuse and recycling of plastic and paper on our islands. Sun Siyam Cares also supports composting projects and machinery to produce organic fertilizer, which helps to reduce waste, recycle organic waste, and fertilize our soil and plants. Composting has numerous environmental benefits, including improving soil health, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, recycling nutrients, and mitigating the impact of droughts.



Commitment to Solar Energy and Net Zero Emissions

The Maldives has abundant sunshine, making it well-suited for solar energy generation. The government has set a goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2030 and generating 70% of power from renewable energy sources by 2030. In line with these goals, Sun Siyam Cares is investing in solar energy projects, such as installing solar panels at guest and staff accommodation and solar water heaters in resort laundry areas. These solar water heaters use the sun's energy to heat water during the day and have an electric heating element as backup for cloudy days. Solar heaters are a low-cost, long-term solution for hot water with no maintenance requirements.

Our guests are able to support our projects and sustainable activities led by Sun Siyam Cares with a 10$ per villa /per stay contribution.
