燃情12 月
12 月,新年将至,喜气盈门,裹着冬衣的人们,盘算着一年的丰收和即将到来的新年,处处洋溢着欢快的气氛。12 月1 日,大酒店传媒在上海虹桥绿地铂瑞酒店举办了盛大的第十一届颁奖典礼,颁奖典礼的成功举办宣告着《大酒店》又一年的丰收,并带来对新一年的美好展望!
本期,大酒店传媒第三次来到上海财大豪生大酒店,在封面故事一栏中专访了上海财大豪生大酒店的总经理程佳女士。今年是上海财大豪生大酒店成立的10 周年暨上海财经大学建校100 周年, 上海财经大学建校的100 周年。值此百年校庆与十年店庆同贺之际,让我们亲身感受到了两大盛典的浩大与喜庆。
大酒店传媒还专访了上海凯宾斯基大酒店总经理霍威先生,在凯宾斯基酒店集团成立120 周年之际,霍威先生以上海凯宾斯基出色的业绩,为凯宾斯基120 周年庆典献上了一份厚重的贺礼,同时给读者分享了其成功的管理经验。
伴随着第十一届颁奖典礼的徐徐落幕,回首过去,展望未来,既是对2017年的总结,也是对2018 年的翘首期盼!
Ardent December
When it comes to December, the New Year is just around the corner. A feeling of cheerfulness can be sensed almost everywhere. Wrapped in the winter clothes, everyone is celebrating the harvest and anticipating the upcoming year. In such a delightful atmosphere, the 11th Grand Hotels Media Award Ceremony was successfully held in Primus Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao on December 1, 2017, paying tribute to an extraordinary past and heralding an exciting future.
In the cover story of this issue, we came to Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai for the third time and had an exclusive interview with Ms. Nicole Cheng, General Manager of the hotel. This year is the 10th anniversary of Howard Johnson Caida Plaza Shanghai and the 100th anniversary of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, one of the owners of the hotel. At such a special moment, we have being deeply touched by the hotel’s jubilant celebrating atmosphere.
Additionally, we also interviewed Mr. Markus Semer, General Manager of Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai. On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of Kempinski Hotels, Markus has presented a big gift, the excellent performance o f G r a n d K e m p i n s k i H o t e l Shanghai and shared his successful management experience with our readers.
With the 11th Grand Hotels Media Award Ceremony drawing the curtains, we have not only looked back the past, but also looked to the future, making the best wishes for the upcoming new year!