2017-12-12 13:37:59    来源:大酒店传媒

Nothing Short of Unforgettable
Bellagio Shanghai Arrives on the Bund with Las Vegas Glamour and Flair

上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店是继美国拉斯维加斯之后全球开业的第二家宝丽嘉品牌酒店,即将华丽启幕。作为宝丽嘉在中国的首秀,上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店由美国著名设计公司WATG 打造,将意大利巴洛克式低调奢华与外滩新古典主义风格完美融合。酒店的内部装饰则由全球酒店顶级设计公司Wimberly Interiors 操刀,巧妙地展现出现代的美感,魅力与奢华。数千件精选自世界各地的艺术佳品陈列在酒店的各个角落,用现代的手法诠释时间的沉淀,历史的优雅。酒店秉承宝丽嘉品牌的低调奢华与艺术美学,宛如一颗装饰艺术风格的绚丽宝石,于璀璨东方熠熠闪耀。


上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店座落于北外滩苏州河畔,毗邻历史悠久的外白渡桥,坐拥陆家嘴天际线全景及外滩沿岸旖旎风光。走出酒店即可亲临外滩美景,纵观上海百年辉煌历史。酒店共设有162 间唯美客房与豪华套房。部分客房及套房特别配有180 度视角室外大露台,无论是独具特色的城市景观,还是美轮美奂的浦江夜景,都将带给宾客无与伦比的难忘体验。


舒适雅致的客房面积由60 平方米起,房内的每一处设计都经过反复推敲,无不彰显宝丽嘉品牌优雅艺术的文化内涵。客房精心设计了步入式衣帽间与宽敞的大理石浴室,并配备55 英寸LED 平面电视、BOSE 音响设备、Nespresso 胶囊咖啡机、特别定制私人管家柜及迷你酒吧柜设施。宾客可在房间内尽享24 小时的客房送餐,衣物送洗,及高速上网等服务。


豪华气派的套房面积自100 平方米起,以装饰艺术风格为设计理念,配备敞亮气派的会客厅,拥有舒适大床的卧室,步入式衣帽间,设有双台盆洗漱池及意式典雅大理石装裱浴室。总统套房面积达400 平方米,设有家庭影院及豪华餐厅。除了空间舒适,装修奢华之外,完善的套房休闲设施使其更显高贵格调。24 小时专享私人管家等个性化订制服务,将带给宾客难以忘怀的至臻体验。


上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店拥有4 间风格迥异,各具特色的餐厅及酒廊。热情周到,尽善尽美的餐饮团队选用世界各地的顶级食材结合烹饪美学艺术为宾客创造精妙绝伦的味蕾体验。


酒店特别邀请屡获殊荣的名厨Julian Serrano 亲临指导意大利餐厅LAGO 的开幕。Julian Serrano 被公认为美国最具天赋的烹饪奇才之一,此次,他将他的意大利餐厅LAGO 及其全新的用餐理念由拉斯维加斯引入上海。设计现代的餐厅拥有超大室外露台,以及一间私密别致的钟楼式包房。宾客们可以一边享用意式美食,一边欣赏浦江两岸与陆家嘴天际线的迷人景致。


嘉府壹号中餐厅由上世纪二十年代的5 层历史建筑改造而成,巧妙地融合成为酒店主体建筑的一部分,为宾客献上纯正的上海美馔与粤式珍馐。手工砌造而成的北京烤鸭挂炉将呈现香脆美味的果木烤鸭。11 间富贵典雅的包房拥有各自的主题与色调, 重现上海滩雅致风情,是商务宴请,家庭聚餐的上佳之选。


全日餐厅Café Bellagio 精心打造经典美式佳肴,带宾客领略拉斯维加斯的别样风情。餐厅处处洋溢着当代艺术气息,根据不同季节提供时令菜肴。优雅舒适的大堂酒廊营造出轻松惬意的氛围,是商务洽谈或亲友小聚的绝佳场所。宾客可在此享用精致可口的宝丽嘉招牌下午茶,品尝手工现磨咖啡,或在晚间举杯浅酌,沉醉于现场演奏的曼妙乐曲中。


上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店是举办商务会议,社交晚宴,以及各种庆典活动的绝佳场所。近1800 平方米的宴会场地内设有华贵大气的宝丽嘉宴会厅,精致高雅的贝拉维厅,两间多功能会议室,以及一间董事会议室,可满足各种规模活动的需求。气势恢宏的四层挑高中庭,特别配备了上海首家巨型LED 屏,打造震撼视觉感官体验。个性化的菜单定制,无与伦比的服务与设施确保宴会活动的每一个细节都至臻至美。


唯美浪漫的宝丽嘉酒店无疑是见证永恒爱情的幸福殿堂。富贵典雅的宝丽嘉宴会厅总面积约700 平方米,拥有自然采光。白色大理石配以米色皮革墙面装饰,挑高7 米的顶部点缀着水晶花朵工艺吊灯。配合门外装有270 3 面环绕立体LED 巨幕的大型中庭,势必打造顶级奢华婚礼盛宴。酒店还在同一楼层独具匠心地设计了面积达80 平方米的新娘贵宾室,包含化妆室,卫生间,淋浴房及休息区,供新人在专属的私密空间中精心准备,以最美丽的姿态迎接人生中最重要的时刻。经验丰富的婚礼专家将参与策划婚礼的每一个环节,提供无微不至的贴心服务。精选的婚礼套餐呈现极致浪漫的唯美婚礼,带给新人永恒难忘的幸福记忆。


水疗中心位于酒店四楼,拥有5 间舒适宽敞的护理套间。技艺精湛的理疗师为宾客提供多款美容与护理项目,在饱览黄浦江繁华景致的同时,让身心远离尘世的喧嚣,享受片刻的放松与宁静。三楼的健身中心全天24 小时开放,配备最先进的健身器材,同时设有蒸汽房、桑拿房、瑜伽房,果汁吧及室内恒温游泳池。





Bellagio arrives in exquisite style – the first Bellagio Hotel outside of North America fits perfectly into Shanghai, opening soon.


The glorious history and chic elegance of Shanghai is the most suitable partner for Bellagio Hotel. The Bellagio Shanghai presents sophisticated luxury alongside timeless class and as the hotel sits on the banks of Suzhou River, next to the historic Waibaidu Bridge, it’s a divine location. Situated at the northern end of the Bund where the past pivots into the futuristic view of Lujiazui, it’s a perfect interpretation of the brand’s belief – “Nothing Short of Unforgettable”.


Set to inspire an elite clientele accustomed to experiencing the best, the Bellagio Shanghai sets itself apart with distinct highlights. For the pinnacle of class, the Presidential Suite is the ultimate in sophistication and the high life, 400 square meters, with its very own home theater. Suites at Bellagio Hotel are all tended to by private butler, with some rooms featuring a stylish, private terrace on which guests may fully enjoy the striking pose of the Lujiazui skyline.


Bellagio Shanghai has 162 luxurious guest rooms and suites. Guest rooms are spacious at 60 sqm, with suites from 100 sqm. Some guest rooms and suites feature the private terrace, with the most spacious at 90 sqm. The deluxe room facilities include a beautifully designed walk-in closet, capacious marblefinished bathroom, in-room espresso machine, 55-inch LED TV, safety box able to store a 14-inch laptop, BOSE stereo and high-speed Internet access. A specially designed valet box in each room and suite ensures that distinguished guests may enjoy service without being disturbed.


The elegant atmosphere of Bellagio is beautifully enhanced with premium art and design. Leading hospitality design firm WATG and affiliated design studio Wimberly Interiors have designed the Bellagio Shanghai. More than 1000 art pieces have been curated from around world and are carefully placed throughout the hotel, to tell the story of uncompromising luxury, inspiring beauty and unprecedented splendor. 


Culinary options at Bellagio Hotel define exquisite, with both international and local specialties to indulge in. 


LAGO, by award-wining Chef Julian Serrano serving authentic Italian cuisine on an expansive outdoor terrace, with the restaurant’s atmosphere enhanced by the contemporary design. 


At Mansion on One the hotel pays homage to Shanghai’s legacy, mingled with classic Cantonese delicacies and an authentic Peking Duck oven to suit all desires of taste and experience, at a fully restored 1920s heritage building, with 11 private dining rooms each with its own unique decoration and style. 


A throw-back to Las Vegas nostalgia, Café Bellagio is designed to re-create the classic American diner experience with modern sensibilities. With the contemporary art deco and seasonal menu, it is a perfect venue for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


The Lounge, presents a real touch of luxury at business meetings, or take an intimate moment with a best friend with the signature afternoon tea and artisanal coffee, and as dusk falls, allow live music to stir passion into the evening with small plates, cocktails and craft beer.


When you need an event that’s going to be the talk of the town and the envy of the upper circles of Shanghai, the Bellagio’s premiere address is the place for your event to make its mark. With the Grand Ballroom, Bella Vista, two meeting rooms and an Executive Boardroom, over 1,800 square meters of event space suits all occasions. The Bellagio dedicated events and culinary team are here to provide an unforgettable experience from the beginning to the end of the event.


The Grand Ballroom lives up to its name with a 7-meter-high ceiling and windows with natural light, while the atrium demonstrates the merge of cutting edge technology with welcoming elegance, with a state-of-the-art LED and integrated audio system.


There is no finer destination to hold a stunning wedding that will inspire guests and encapsulate the romance of the day. The Bellagio Shanghai is the ultimate address for weddings that flow seamlessly and make the special couple feel like royals.


Wellness at Bellagio Shanghai balances physical, mental and social well-being. The wellness journey is here for you to regroup your mind and rejuvenate your body. Inspired by Ayurveda – health balanced by the three essential energies Vata, Pitta and Kapha, combined with adherence to the five elements; soil, water, fire, air and space. Discover yourself at the Spa at Bellagio and luxurious 24-hour Gym, equipped with the state-of-the-art cardiovascular machines and exercise equipment. A steam room, sauna room, yoga room, juice bar and an indoor heated swimming pool make wellness at the Bellagio Shanghai the most satisfying reward.


A Las Vegas icon is finally making its debut in Shanghai. A warm welcome and an experience that is nothing short of unforgettable awaits you.
