2019-07-30 10:40:28    来源:大酒店传媒
An August of Cicada’s Song



        本期封面故事,我们为大家带来上海鲁能JW万豪侯爵酒店总经理潘小莺女士的精彩访谈,共同探索即将开业的上海鲁能 JW万豪侯爵酒店的最新动态。同时我们还对话了凯宾斯基酒店亚洲区首席运营官及北京凯燕国际饭店管理有限公司总经理汉思乐先生,聆听凯宾斯基品牌的运营理念,徜徉欧洲奢华品牌之旅。

       备受瞩目的【伊甸之林】杯 —大酒店传媒首届金勺奖颁奖典礼已经落下帷幕,但那一夜的精彩纷呈却依旧熠熠生辉。此次颁奖是由大酒店传媒主办,【伊甸之林】冠名,智利贸易促进局协办,智利驻中国大使 Luis Schmidt先生、智利驻上海总领事Ignacio Concha先生的联袂出席为这场晚宴更添非凡尊荣。当晚在上海静安昆仑大酒店中,大酒店传媒与众多尊贵来宾共同颁发一系列集团餐饮、餐饮酒店、餐饮总监、厨师和餐厅奖项。觥筹交错,谈笑声声,恍若昔日十里洋场,金碧辉煌。


When the sky is too clear to hold a cloud, and the sun too far to sculpt the shade of trees, there comes August. Farewelling summer and welcoming autumn, we are still feeling the heat and colors of summer, where the clouds, the sky, and the trees are singing us a sweet lullaby. 

In the cover story of the August issue, we will bring you the impressive story of Ms. Angela Pan, General Manager of JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong. Ms. Pan will guide us to explore the latest developments of the upcoming JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong. Moreover, we had the honor to sit with Mr. Michael Henssler, Chief Operating Officer Asia - Kempinski Hotels, General Manager of Key International Hotels Management CO., Ltd. for a thorough understanding of the operation and management of the Kempinski brand. Mr. Henssler will present you a memorable journey of European luxury brands. 

We shall all remember the glamorous night of the【Forest of Eden's】Cup--The 1st Grand Hotels Media Golden Spoon Award Ceremony & Gala Dinner. Hosted by Grand Hotels Media, sponsored by Forest of Eden and co-organized by ProChile, the event received numerous honorable attendees including Mr. Luis Schmidt, Chilean Ambassador to China, and Mr. Ignacio Concha, the Consul General of Chile in Shanghai. At The Kunlun Jing An, Grand Hotels Media and distinguished guests jointly presented a series of awards for hotel group catering, catering hotels, director of food & beverages, chefs and restaurants. The glamour and laughter at the gala dinner brought us back to the flourishing old days of Shanghai, the Paris of the Orient. 

As the much-awaited ceremony of 13th Annual Awards of Grand Hotels Media is approaching at the end of the year, Grand Hotels Media will continue to follow up on this event. Who will be the winner of the Hotel Group Awards, the Hotel General Manager Awards, and the Stylish Hotel Awards? Who will stand out among all stars? Let us wait and see the answers in follow-up stories!
