杰昂玛娜法鲁度假村置身如诗如画的马尔代夫,坐落于哈阿里夫(Haa Alif)环礁,于隐世的热带乐园奉上热带岛屿之乐。度假村位于占地35英亩的私人岛屿上,提供奢华海滩别墅及水上套房,备有私人室外游泳池及甲板,坐拥壮丽景观。
为达致极致奢华的入住体验,Grand Water双卧室套房位于水上别墅的一端,让宾客享受专属的隐私,眺望印度洋绿松石色的海水,欣赏一望无际的景色。此优雅奢华的避世天堂面积达350平方米,配上以茅草建成的八角形屋顶, 打造开扬通风的休闲空间。套房宽敞的客厅两侧分别是两间拥有迷人海景的卧室,每间均设有用上I- Spa设备和名家设计的套厕。 除此之外,房内的私人户外日光浴甲板更可俯瞰渺无人烟的Medhafushi和 Govvafushi岛及令人眼前一亮的无边际泳池,此水上套房绝对是享受奢华假期的不二之选。
屡获殊荣的度假村亦有均为双层豪华别墅和拥有私人游泳池的皇家岛两卧室套房及为多人数团体而设的皇家岛三卧室套房。其中皇家岛三卧室套房还设有烧烤区,桑拿浴室和独特的水疗护理室,客人可以在完全私密的环境下放松身心。此外, 两间套房都被池塘和私家庭园包围着,更开放至与无边际泳池接壤的日光浴平台和特大的私人花园, 给宾客一种更亲密的感觉。
Set in the Haa Alif atoll in the idyllic Maldives, JA Manafaru offers tropical island fun in a hidden tropical paradise. Situated on a 35-acre of Private Island, the resort compromises of luxurious beach villas and over-water suites with private outdoor pools, decks and stunning views.
For optimum luxury, The Grand Water two-bedroom suite provides exclusive privacy at the tip of the water villas with expansive views across the Indian Ocean’s turquoise waters. This elegant, luxury haven of 350 square meters features an octagonal roof with thatch detail and breezy, open relaxation spaces. The spacious living room is flanked by two beautiful sea view bedrooms, each with an ensuite bathroom that features i-Spa facilities and designer amenities. With its own outdoor sundeck giving views of the uninhabited islands of Medhafushi and Govvafushi and an impressive infinity pool, this suite is the perfect place for a lavish vacation.
The award-winning resort also features the Royal Island two-bedroom suite, or for larger groups the Royal Island three-bedroom suite. Both are lavish two-storey villa with their own private pools. The Royal Island three-bedroom suite also has a barbecue area, sauna and an exclusive spa treatment room where guests can relax in complete privacy. Surrounded by ponds and a private courtyard, the suites open- up to the sundeck bordering the infinity pool and an oversized private garden giving it a more intimate feel.