2018-03-01 14:06:58    来源:大酒店传媒

Shangri-La Hotesl in Harbin Introduce “Absolute Ice 
This Winter Season Specially Built Ice Lounge and Ice Palaces Welcome Guests for Unique Culinary Experiences in Chinas Winter Wonderland
绝对冰城 全新玩转


        冰城哈尔滨素以“冰雪甲天下”而闻名,漫长的冬季让这里成为全国乃至世界著名的冰雪旅游胜地。这里的冬季,被冰雪装扮的银装素裹,如童话王国般美好。如果说看冰灯,赏雪雕是人们能想到的冰雪体验,那么哈尔滨香格里拉大酒店与哈尔滨松北香格里拉大酒店携手打造的“绝对冰城 全新玩转”客房优惠套餐,完美演绎“玩在冰城、吃在冰城、聚在冰城”的旅行乐趣,为追求体验式旅行的客人创造乐游冰雪的独家体验。




Shangri-La Hotel, Harbin and Songbei Shangri-La, Harbin have teamed up to introduce an “Absolute Ice” offer celebrate Harbin as the ultimate winter getaway. To embrace the coldest months of China’s northeastern province – Heilongjiang, the hotels will also debut works of ice architecture hand sculpted by local craftsmen.  


For guests keen to explore Harbin’s silvery winter landscape, the location of Shangri-La Hotel, Harbin and Songbei Shangri-La, Harbin, on the south and north banks respectively, along the Songhua River makes getting around the city easy. The Ice and Snow World and International Snow Sculpture Expo on the north bank of the river, and Central Street, St. Sophia Cathedral and the Harbin Memorial Monument on the south bank of the river are within a 10-minute car ride from the hotels.


Transforming the city into a winter wonderland is the 800,000-square-metre Ice and Snow World, which is one of the world’s largest and Instagrammable fairylands. It features a wide range of snow- and ice-related activities and amusements, as well as an all-ice cartoon world with towering ice architecture, delicate ice sculptures, various games on ice and a dazzling ice show. Other popular Harbin winter sites include the International Ice Sculpture Expo to view majestic snow sculptures, and the Siberian Tiger Park to see the rare and mighty “big cat”.
