2018-03-01 16:09:10    来源:大酒店传媒

The Residence Bintan to Opened In February 2018


        盛嘉隆酒店及度假村(Cenizaro Hotels & Resorts)深受印尼民丹岛质朴的海滩及绿意盎然的热带环境启发,于岛上的东南岸兴建全新度假村,踏出进军印尼的第一步。民丹岛瑞僖敦酒店位于廖内群岛(Riau Archipelago)最大的岛屿上,坐拥该区独有的海景,让宾客于南中国海全景下专享片刻休闲,为「赤足奢华」一词立下新定义。距离新加坡仅为55分钟的船程的度假村提供共127个住宿空间,缔造最简约而又优雅的氛围。


        盛嘉隆瑞僖敦酒店的理念为忠于地方色彩,保存当地归属感,而这一切都显而易见于新度假村优雅的室内设计及规划上。度假村的设计由屡获殊荣的赫希贝德纳联合设计顾问公司(Hirsch Bedner Associates )操刀,和谐融入于周边的自然环境之中,附露台的客房及别墅均配有采用自然光的宽大空间。超大型大门通向沙滩和热带花园,景色一览无遗。所有空间都以当代的简约线条和添上现代气息的传统爪哇美学打造,成就奢华版的乡村生活体验。


        从海滨别墅到花园露台,每个住宿空间都沿海岸线而建,让宾客置身最私密的空间,尽享最开扬的海洋或花园景观。度假村共设有28栋单卧室海滨别墅,当中包括附设宽敞阳台和醉人全景的12栋豪华别墅,以及80间双层单卧室景观和花园露台客房,别墅和客房皆附设的私人户外甲板,有如置身于郁郁葱葱的环境中。宾客如欲投身与世隔绝的体验,则可选择入住「The Estate」内的15栋单卧室别墅,别墅坐拥海洋的壮丽景色,并附设私人无边际游泳池;另有4间设有私人泳池的豪华双卧室别墅可供选择,直接通往沙滩。亲朋好友亦可以选择相连的单位。


        宾客可一边享用传统的印尼佳肴和泛亚菜式,一边欣赏环绕四周如画的海景。度假村的招牌餐厅Rica Rica将为宾客提供别具创意的印尼地道美食。除了当地新鲜的农产品外,餐厅亦会选用度假村自家花园的有机香草和蔬菜,为宾客带来健康而可持续的非凡味觉飨宴。

Inspired by the island’s pristine beaches and lush tropical surroundings, the Cenizaro Hotels & Resorts group makes its first foray into Indonesia with a brand-new property on the south-eastern shore of Bintan island. Located on the largest island of the Riau Archipelago and blessed with access to the region’s most exclusive seascapes, The Residence Bintan will introduce a new definition of barefoot luxury, offering guests an exclusive respite amongst panoramic views of the South China Sea. Only a 55-minute ferry ride away from Singapore, the 127-key resort will encompass simplicity and sophistication at its best.


The Residence by Cenizaro’s philosophy of authenticity and sense of place is evidently portrayed in the elegant interiors and layout of the new resort. Designed by award-winning firm Hirsch Bedner, the resort is built in harmony with the natural surroundings and Terraces and Villa accommodations are accentuated with large natural-lit areas. Oversized doors featuring large unobstructed views of the landscape open onto sandy beaches and tropical gardens. All spaces have been created with contemporary clean lines and a modern twist on traditional Javanese aesthetics, culminating in a luxe version of rustic living.


From Beachfront Villas to Garden Terraces, each space is spread along the coastline, granting maximum privacy and ocean or garden views. Guests will be able to choose from 28 one-bedroom Beachfront Villas, including 12 Deluxe Villas with expansive verandas and panoramic views, or from one of the 80 one-bedroom double-storey Vista and Garden Terraces with private outdoor decks nestled amidst lush foliage. For a more secluded experience, guests can retreat to one of the 15 one-bedroom Villas at The Estate, offering magnificent views of the ocean and private infinity pools, or one of the four opulent two-bedroom Villas with private pools and direct access to the beach. Families and friends can opt for interconnected units.


Surrounded by picturesque ocean views, guests will delight in a medley of traditional Indonesian dishes and Pan-Asian cuisine. The property’s signature restaurant Rica Rica will offer local Indonesian cuisine with a creative twist. On top of featuring fresh, local produce, the kitchen will use organic herbs and vegetables from the resort’s own gardens, providing an exceptional, palate-pleasing experience that is healthy and sustainable.
