2017-04-14 14:52:13    来源:大酒店传媒

Meet Mixologist John Ng at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing Bar



One of the most respected mixologists in Asia, John Ng comes to The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing on March 23 and 24, together with mixologist Tim at The Ritz-Carlton Bar to present a new series of exclusive cocktails. In the meantime, we will welcome our newest singer Farah, don’t miss the opportunity to experience her performance, the ideal to unwind and enjoy the rhythms of Jazz and Blues.

亚洲调酒界备受尊敬和瞩目的调酒师伍浩然先生(John Ng)于3月23日至24日期间空降北京丽思卡尔顿酒吧,与酒吧招牌调酒师Tim携手为京城宾客展现鸡尾酒的艺术,打造别具风格的炫丽鸡尾酒。与此同时,丽思卡尔顿酒吧新晋女歌手Farah将于晚9点起为您演唱经典爵士曲目。她优雅时尚,拥有曼妙不羁之音,透彻心扉之韵。当灯光渐暗,旋律响起,将感知交付予听觉与味觉,对饮三五好友,品佳酿醇香。
