2017-10-17 17:15:50    来源:大酒店传媒

The Farm at San Benito-- Providing You Truly Luxurious Healing Experiences

The Farm at San Benito——为您缔造最奢华写意的身心护养体验


The Farm at San Benito is among the most lauded holistic wellness and retreat centers all over the globe. After earning accolades from SENSES Germany as The Best Medical Resort in The World, and being hailed as a Trip Advisor Hall of Famer, we are committed to providing you truly luxurious healing experiences. Located 90 minutes’ drive south of Manila, in Batangas, Philippines, The Farm at San Benito rests on 48 hectares of lush green jungle, stunning view of majestic mountains, pure and fresh air with clear and strong energy radiating around the property, guests will surely come back home fresh, rejuvenated, and recharged with energy. With only 33 suites and villas, personalized service and the Filipinos’ nurturing touch offer guests an unparalleled experience. 


The Farm at San Benito’s vison is to establish a unique healing centre in a new dimension offering a personal journey with a total holistic approach to rejuvenation of the mind, body,and soul in an idyllic setting. To address individual requirements and administer its wide-array of wellness packages and customized detox treatment programs. Your experience with us depends on your wellness goals. You may choose a brief, restful stay or go for our full retreat programs to maximize the benefits you can gain from our unique services. At the Farm, you are transformed as you are healed.


The Farms signature programs provide certified professional guidance to achieve and sustain optimal physical health, emotional well-being, along with spiritual growth. Our natural body detoxification techniques reduce toxins, boost overall immunity, encourage mental clarity leading to improved lifestyle habits, and can have a profound impact on better understanding interpersonal relationships.


Detox Cleanse

Weight Management

Beauty and Vitality Rejuvenation

Mind and Body Restoration

Sports Recovery and Regeneration

Wellness Experience


The Farm at San Benito是享誉全球的健康疗养中心,致力为您缔造最奢华写意的身心护养体验。The Farm曾获德国SENSES选为全球最佳医疗度假村,也入选《猫途鹰》网站的名人堂。The Farm位于菲律宾八打雁,距离马尼拉南面只有90分钟车程。中心座落于48公顷的繁茂森林内,饱览壮丽迷人的山峦美景,空气清新纯净,富含大自然能量,让客人能洗涤身心,重拾活力。中心设有33间套房和别墅,并提供个人化服务,并体现菲律宾的健康智慧,为客人带来无可比拟的健康体验。


The Farm的愿景是创立前所未有的独特疗养中心,让客人在恬静的环境中开展个人的疗养之旅,以全面的疗程重焕大脑、身体和心灵的活力。我们竭力满足客人的不同需求,并提供各类养生套餐和定制的排毒疗程。我们会按照您的目标,为您提供量身定制的体验。您可以选择短暂入住The Farm,好好休息,又或选用一系列全面的健康计划,体验独特服务的健康效果。The Farm不但为您治愈身心,也带领您彻底蜕变。


The Farm的特色健康疗程由获得专业认证的专家进行,助您拥有和维持最佳体魄和平和心境,实践心灵成长。我们的天然身体排毒技巧能减少体内毒素,提升免疫力,同时净化心灵,从而改善生活习惯,更能为人际关系带来正面影响。 酒店具有的疗程如下:


• 净化排毒疗程

• 体重管理疗程

• 美容活力疗程

• 重焕身心疗程

• 运动恢复和再生疗程

• 健康饮食疗程
