2018-05-04 15:19:22    来源:大酒店传媒

The Ultimate Eno-gastronomic Experience Launched by the Three Italian Rocco Forte Hotels:
Verdura Resort in Sicily, Hotel Savoy in Florence and Hotel de Russie,in Rome
Rocco Forte Hotels旗下三家意大利酒店呈献奢华美食体验:
西西里岛Verdura Resort丶佛罗伦萨Hotel Savoy和罗马 Hotel de Russie


       西西里岛的Verdura Resort丶佛罗伦斯的Hotel Savoy和罗马的Hotel de Russie诚邀世界各地的品味饕客,参加由国际米其林星级名厨Fulvio Pierangelini设计的美食之旅,缔造难忘滋味回忆。


       西西里岛Verdura Resort橄榄油制作体验


       纯橄榄油是意大利菜不可或缺的材料,宾客可参观纯橄榄油的制作过程,感受真正的西西里岛传统。Verdura Resort坐拥230公顷橄榄林和自然景观,让宾客在优美的风景下学习传统橄榄采摘工艺。秋季美食之旅由热爱天然橄榄油的Fulvio Pierangelini率领,采摘橄榄后会到附近的榨油厂参观,学习榨取橄榄油的工艺,并品尝鲜榨橄榄油和其他地道食品。


       佛罗伦斯Hotel Savoy松露采摘和参观市集体验


       食客可在托斯卡纳郊外学习采摘并品尝圣米尼亚托著名的白松露,全情投入佛罗伦斯和托斯卡纳的美酒佳肴文化,缔造多姿多彩的滋味体验。圣米尼亚托是欧洲松露产量最多的地区之一,当地的松露味道非凡。宾客会在专业松露猎人的陪同下,寻找有“树林之宝”美誉的稀有松露。回到佛罗伦斯后,Fulvio Pierangelini会带领宾客参观闻名国际的圣罗伦兹露天市场,分享识别和处理当地新鲜食材的技巧,其后会回到位于文艺复兴之都中心的Hotel Savoy,在私人烹饪班以采购的食材创制多道滋味佳肴。


       罗马Hotel de Russie街头美食体验和名厨烹饪班


       一连三天大厨Fulvio Pierangelini会带领宾客展开别开生面的街头美食之旅,发掘罗马的隐世美食,并介绍意大利特色美馔和鲜为人知的罗马餐饮传统。从热闹的鲜花广场出发,宾客可闲逛各式传统食品店,沿着历史悠久的亚壁古道参观沿途的著名农场和酒庄,并参加烹饪大师Fulvio Pierangelini亲自教授的烹饪班。

Foodies are invited to indulge in a memorable culinary journey designed by Verdura Resort in Sicily, Hotel Savoy in Florence and Hotel de Russie in Rome, guided by ‘Fulvio Pierangelini himself, the world-class Celebrity Chef known for his Michelin starred cuisine as well as his charm and charisma.


Olive Oil Harvesting at Verdura Resort, Sicily


Experience the real Sicily by exploring the production of pure olive oil, an essential ingredient of Italian cuisine. With 230 hectares of natural landscape and olive groves, Verdura Resort is the most picturesque spot to learn the art of traditional olive harvesting. The autumnal ritual will be led by Fulvio Pierangelini who is passionate about the natural oil. Following the harvesting, the Chef will escort guests to a nearby oil mill, where they will learn the art of olive oil extraction and savour freshly pressed samples and other local products.


Truffle Hunting and Market Delving with Hotel Savoy, Florence


The full immersion in the food & wine culture of Florence and Tuscany begins with an exciting truffle hunting and tasting experience in the Tuscan countryside, where foodies will learn how to harvest the legendary white truffle of San Miniato. The San Miniato truffles are one of the richest truffle areas in Europe with an unmistakable flavor. Guests will be escorted by a professional truffle hunter to find the rare ‘treasure of the woods’. In Florence, Chef Pierangelini will guide guests through the world-famous San Lorenzo Market, teaching guests the best way to identify and treat the freshest local ingredients. These ingredients will then be used to execute his legendary recipes during a private cooking lesson at Hotel Savoy, located in the heart of the Renaissance city.  


Street food and a Maestro Masterclass at Hotel de Russie, Rome   


Spend three days with Chef Fulvio Pierangelini to discover the gastronomic secrets of Rome, enjoying a unique street-food tour led by the chef, aimed to showcase Italian food specialties and share the behind-the-scenes of Rome’s culinary traditions. From the vibrant Campo de’ Fiori square where one of the most famous markets is held, guests can wander through the typical food shops, visit one of the most renowned farms and wineries along the ancient Appian Way, as well as enjoying a cooking class hosted by ‘Maestro’ Fulvio Pierangelini himself.
