Rocco Forte Hotels旗下的英国酒店与英女王的表弟(即伊丽莎白王太后已故表妹兼女侍官Margaret Rhodes的儿子)共同呈献皇室尊贵体验。在为期六天的活动期间,位于梅费尔中心地带的Brown’s Hotel与爱丁堡着名地标酒店The Balmoral将会让贵宾独家游览英格兰和苏格兰的著名皇家宫殿和皇室成员的私人府邸。在英国皇家收藏信托代表的带领下,宾客能造访原本不对外开放的皇室居所,一窥英国和英国皇室的深厚文化历史。
旅程的特色景点包括圣詹姆士宫、白金汉宫、荷里路德宫、温莎城堡、格拉米斯城堡、桑德灵厄姆庄园、皇室养马场、查特韦尔庄园和Archers’ Hall。
宾客在旅程的首四天将会入住伦敦的第一家酒店Brown’s Hotel,而Simon Rhodes、皇室记者和皇室传令官Alastair Bruce将会设宴款待宾客,并向他们介绍皇室的家族历史和传统,为六天的旅程揭开序幕。
在英格兰的最后一天,亦即哈利王子和梅根·马克尔举行皇室婚礼的两星期后,宾客将会参观温莎城堡,在皇室典藏的版画和绘画主管Martin Clayton带领下,独家游览版画室,欣赏由1850年代起收藏的皇室画作、水彩画和版画。版画室更珍藏古典大师的旷世名画,包括650幅达文西的画作,从未对外展出,令旅程更独一无二。
翌日早晨,宾客将会乘坐火车前往位于爱丁堡的The Balmoral,并换乘轿车前往参观英女王于苏格兰的官邸荷里路德宫。这座宫殿在几周后将会举办每年初夏举行的英女王官方活动和典礼,苏格兰人把这些活动称为皇家周。随着夜幕降临,宾客会在The Balmoral的米其林星级餐厅Number One Restaurant享用私人晚宴。
Rocco Forte Hotels’ British properties, have partnered with Simon Rhodes, second cousin to HM The Queen and son of the late The Honourable Mrs Margaret Rhodes, First cousin to Her Majesty and former Lady in Waiting to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, to launch the ultimate Royal Experience. Over the course of six days, Brown’s Hotel in the heart of Mayfair and The Balmoral, Edinburgh’s iconic landmark hotel will offer guests exclusive access to the principal occupied palaces and private estates in England and Scotland. With privileged and private access to properties ordinarily closed to the public guided by extraordinary curators from the Royal Collection Trust, this tour is set to deliver unique insight in to the rich cultural heritage of Britain and its Royal Family.
Highlights of the experience include exploring St James’ Palace, Buckingham Palace, The Palace of Holyroodhouse, Windsor Castle, Glamis Castle, Sandringham and the Royal stud, Chartwell and Archers’ Hall.
Arriving at Brown’s, London’s First Hotel and the guests’ London home for the first four nights of the tour, they will be welcomed with a private dinner hosted by Simon Rhodes as well as Royal Correspondent and Royal Herald Alastair Bruce. A perfect start to the tour, guests will be offered a fascinating introduction to the history and traditions of the Royal Family in anticipation of the next six days of exploring it firsthand.
On their final day in England, guests will visit Windsor Castle, just two weeks after it plays host to this year’s Royal Wedding of Prince Harry to Megan Markle. It is here that Martin Clayton, Head of Prints & Drawings at The Royal Collection, will offer an exclusive tour of The Print Room which has housed the greater part of the Royal Collection’s drawings, watercolours and prints since the 1850s. This is a completely unique event, never opened to the public, the Print Room houses extraordinarily rare Old Master drawings including six hundred and fifty by Leonardo da Vinci.
The next morning, having arrived by train to The Balmoral hotel in Edinburgh, guests will be chauffeured to The Palace of Holyroodhouse for a private tour of the official residence of the British monarch in Scotland. It is this palace which just weeks later will host the Queen’s official engagements and ceremonies which take place each year at the beginning of summer during what is known to Scots as Royal Week. In the evening a private dinner is hosted in the splendour of The Balmoral hotel by Michelin-starred Number One Restaurant.