2018-05-04 16:29:40    来源:大酒店传媒

AYANA Sets Sail to the World’s Largest Specially Built Phinisi Ship, AYANA Lako Di’a

       由亚洲顶级独立酒店品牌,阿雅娜度假村沥心打造的Lako di’a号巨型度假帆船将于2018年7月正式开始接受预定。寓意为“旅途平安”的Lako di’a号是世界上最大型号的Phinisi之一。


       Lako di’a号帆船是一次古老工艺与现代设施的完美结合。对游客们而言,这将是一份独一无二的、能够在舒适环境中深度感受印尼文化风光的奢华体验。阿雅娜将Lako di’a号的航行路线设置在距巴厘岛仅一小时航程的科莫多群岛,景色宜人的科莫多群岛拥有丰富的自然景观:山峰、瀑布、以及种类繁多的动植物群。Lako di’a号会带游客们一一探寻这些如宝石般镶嵌在印度洋中的绝美景色。

       科莫多岛上最著名的莫过于在此繁衍生息的科莫多巨蜥。这种世界上现存最大的蜥蜴已濒临灭绝,为了保护科莫多巨蜥,印尼政府建立了科莫多国家公园,有着“七大自然奇迹之一”之称的科莫多国家公园也已被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗址。在Lako di’a号2至5天的巡航中,这艘巨型帆船会停靠不同岛屿,带游客们参观包括科莫多巨蜥栖息地在内的科莫多群岛最著名的一些地标。

       除了瑰丽的岛上风景,环绕科莫多群岛的蔚蓝色海洋同样拥有着迷人魅力。这里是潜水爱好者的天堂,毗邻赤道的地理位置让这里成为了全年适宜的潜水胜地。作为世界著名的最佳潜水点之一,多样的水下活动无论对于潜水新手还是经验丰富的潜水者来说都有着无尽地吸引力。不同于传统的印度洋环游路线,阿雅娜Lako di’a号将会带领游客们探索一些鲜为人知的潜水点——同魔鬼鱼一起畅游在澄净的海水里、穿梭于珊瑚群之间、尽情探索神秘的海底世界,这绝对会成为一次毕生难忘的旅行。浮潜、水上瑜伽、捕鱼以及海豚观赏……在Lako di’a号的带领下,游客们能享受到的水上活动远不止于此。

       这艘独家定制的大型Phinisi上共有九间奢华客房,游客们能够于此享受到五星级豪华客舱的住宿体验,包括丰富的用餐选择、多样的水上活动、便利的设施、以及阿雅娜提供的专业SPA护理。连同2018年9月即将在科莫多开业的阿雅娜科莫多维艾齐洙沙滩度假村一齐,阿雅娜期待即将扬帆的Lako di’a号帆船可以给游客们带来全新的度假体验。

Launching July 2018, Asia’s leading independently owned hospitality brand AYANA Hotels will set sail to the world’ largest specially built Phinisi cruise ship, AYANA Lako di’a (meaning “Safe Journey” in the local language.)


AYANA Lako di’a will be gracing the crystal waters of the beautiful Komodo Islands, just one-hour flight from Bali. Adorned by the exquisite scenery, the archipelago is awash with nature’s finest mountains, waterfalls, flora, and fauna. During AYANA Lako di’as’ 2, 3 or 5-night* excursions, the luxury yacht will be visiting some of Komodo island’s most famous landmarks including a port of call to the home of the Komodo dragon. The world’s largest lizard can be found residing within Komodo National Park, which holds recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and named one of the ‘7 Wonders of Nature’.


Offshore, the azure waters are a dive lover’s paradise. Famed as one of the world’s best dive spots, and suitable for year-round diving, there is a plethora of underwater activity to captivate both novice and experienced underwater explorers. Unlike traditional Indonesia cruising, AYANA Lako di’a will be visiting remote dive spots and underwater wonderlands frequented by relatively few divers. These secret dive spots offer guests the opportunity to explore rare aquatic species, swim with manta rays and dive amongst coral gardens, all with crystal water clarity. Snorkeling, SUP Yoga, Trawling, and Dolphin Watching are just a sample of the additional water activities available to guests.

Onboard the 9-bedroom luxury Phinisi, passengers can expect 5-star luxury cabins, full dining options, aqua activities and equipment, as well as professional spa treatments.


Alongside AYANA’s latest resort to open in Komodo September 2018, AYANA Komodo Resort, Waecicu Beach, this all-time sailing experience hails a new standard of travel.
