2017-05-10 17:06:18    来源:大酒店传媒

JA Resorts & Hotels’Multigenerational Travel Experiences

迪拜杰昂度假村及酒店(JA Resorts & Hotels) 推出多代同游家庭出行体验

International hospitality groupJA Resorts & Hotels, provides a portfolio of family-friendly resorts in Dubai and the Maldives. With multigenerational family vacations on the increase, choosing the perfect destination for all the family, where young and old can appreciate.

To help families share experiences and create lifelong memories together, JA Resorts & Hotels, provides its top resortsuggestions for enjoyable family getaways, where guests can experience the brands unique blend of ‘Heartfelt Hospitality’ and ‘Casual Luxury’. From the diverse city of Dubai,which offersthe benefits of a relaxing beach holiday with an action-packed city adventure,to tropical private island fun in the idyllic Maldives.

JA Palm Tree Court Hotel, Dubai

Family friendly, JA Palm Tree Court, set within the award-winning Jebel Ali Golf Resort, provides luxury beachfront suites overlooking the Arabian Gulf. Located on a scenic palm-fringed private beach, it offers apicture-perfect backdrop for capturing special family photos.

JA Palm Tree Court Hotel is also located near to the recently opened Dubai Parks and Resorts, an integrated leisure and theme park including,the renowned LEGOLAND, LEGOLAND Water Park with over 20 water slides, MotionGate, a Hollywood-themed park offering a world of movie entertainment, the world’s first Bollywood Park and Riverland theme park. Take the whole family to enjoy non-stop fun exploring the interactive rides, dining options and activities.

如今越来越多的游客开始选择多代同游的方式共度假期,因此选择目的地时需全面考虑家庭成员的实际需求。国际酒店管理集团杰昂度假村及酒店(JA Resorts & Hotels) 于迪拜和马尔代夫拥有多间度假村物业,尤其适合全家出行入住。

杰昂度假村及酒店(JA Resorts & Hotels)作为全球顶级度假村,将从专业角度提供入住建议,保证家庭成员能够共享度假时光,一同感受精彩的出行体验,并深入了解杰昂度假村及酒店「贴心服务」及「随心奢华」的待客理念。宾客可前往迪拜轻松欢度海滩假期,并参加行程丰富的城市探险之旅,感受迪拜市内的多元文化风格。另可选择风景如画的马尔代夫,畅享热带私人岛屿的无穷魅力。

杰昂棕榈树水疗酒店 (JA Palm Tree Court Hotel)

杰昂棕榈树水疗酒店位于屡获殊荣的杰昂阿里高尔夫度假村(JA Jebel Ali Golf Resort)内,酒店的豪华海滨套房坐拥阿拉伯海湾美景,适合家庭入住。坐落于风景优美的私人海滩之上,棕榈树环绕四周,在这里捕捉独一无二的温情瞬间,拥有拍摄家庭合照时的完美背景。

杰昂玛娜法鲁度假村 (JA Manafaru)

杰昂玛娜法鲁度假村是一个占地35英亩的私人岛屿度假村,位于马尔代夫的Haa Alif Atoll小岛之上。在75分钟的水上飞机旅程中,宾客可饱览马尔代夫的壮丽景色,与至亲享受独一无二的观光体验。度假村提供84间别墅和套房,每间均设有坐拥印度洋美景的私人游泳池。人数较多的家庭可选择入住Royal Island上拥有无边际游泳池、烧烤场、桑拿房和私人水疗室的三房豪华套房别墅, 在高度私密的环境下尽情放松休闲。
