2017-06-20 11:52:55    来源:大酒店传媒

Never Stop Exploring, Experience a Journey of Adventurer with OZO ------OZO Colombo Sri Lanka


Nowadays, more and more travellers are keen to explore and discover the different aspects of a destination and create more surprises and unforgettable moments during the journey. If you share the same purpose, why not come to experience the unique charm of Koh Samui and Sri Lanka under the guidance of OZO Destination Guide. You’ll have the opportunity to have closer contact with great nature and release your energy and passion with full of the spirit of adventure.


Sri Lanka is honoured as a must-go destination in a lifetime because of its breathtaking beauty, peace and devout faith. Colombo is the first stop in Sri Lanka, a city of smiles. Travellers who love nature and have enough courage can set off from Colombo and go to Kitulgala, known as a "City of Adventure", to start a one-day challenge to your fitness and courage. As the most famous place for rafting in Sri Lanka, the Kelani has the most suitable water flow for rafting. Take a kayak and rush forward in the thrust of rapids. Sometimes it bumps and leaps when colliding with irregular rocks under water, which will thrill you in the twinkling of an eye. To experience more challenging projects, you can try the "Waterfall Fall Down " under someone's leadership. Drop a hundred meters long mountain rope from the top of the waterfall, and fall down along the waterfall like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water, during which you have to resist the impact of the huge water flow and find footholds in smooth cliffs by coordinating your body. It tests human coordination and physical strength very much. As one of the most popular accommodations in town, OZO Colombo Sri Lanka provides a comfortable and just-right experience. The selective bedding and facilities will deliver a restful night and energising morning to guests. The grab and go outlet EAT2GO provides a wide range of healthy food to fuel up the guests who will explore more attractions of the city.


如今,越来越多的旅行者热衷于探索和发现。在同样的目的地,他们渴望挖掘出与众不同的精彩所在,为旅程增添更多的惊喜和难忘瞬间。如果你也有着同样的旅行诉求,不妨在遨舍酒店精心编撰的遨舍目的地指南(OZO Destination Guide)指引下,体验苏梅岛斯里兰卡的别样魅力,与大自然来一次更加亲密的接触,释放出体内的冒险者精神,尽情挥洒汗水与激情。


斯里兰卡被封为一生一定要去的目的地。那里有超乎想象的美丽、平和和信仰。斯里兰卡的第一站,便是微笑之城科伦坡。对于热爱自然和充满勇气的旅行者,可以从科伦坡出发,前往被称为“冒险之都”的基图尔格勒(Kitulgala)向自己的体能和胆量发起一日挑战作为斯里兰卡最著名的漂流地点,克拉尼亚河(Kelani)拥有这个国家最适宜漂流的水流状况。乘坐皮划艇在湍急水流的推动下急速前进,时而还会因擦撞到河底参差的岩石颠簸跃起,瞬间便让你的肾上腺素飙升;如果想要体验更具挑战性的项目,可以在专人的带领下尝试瀑降”。从瀑布的顶端扔下一根百米长的攀山绳索,如同蜻蜓点水般顺瀑而降,其间你要抵御巨大的水流冲击,协调身体在光滑的峭壁上寻找落脚点,非常考验人的协调性和体力。作为城中最受欢迎的下榻之所之一,斯里兰卡科伦坡遨舍酒店(OZO Colombo Sri Lanka)竭心为宾客提供舒适且恰到好处的住宿体验,精选寝具和各种有助睡眠的设施让宾客畅享一夜好眠,精神抖擞地醒来迎接各种冒险与挑战;快捷美食餐厅EAT2GO提供品种丰富的健康美食,为宾客们补充能量,有助于其更好地发掘城市魅力所在。 
