2017-06-20 12:01:40    来源:大酒店传媒

Sofitel Foshan to Open in July 2017


Sofitel Hotels & Resorts is delighted to announce the latest expansion of its portfolio with Sofitel Foshan, the group’s first design hotel in Mainland China.


Located in China Leading Furniture City – Lecong in Shunde – Sofitel Foshan connects to the Louvre International Exhibition Center and is the first property of Accor under its flagship Sofitel Hotels & Resorts brand in Foshan, Guangdong Province of China. Opening in July 1st 2017, Sofitel Foshan will blend modernity with the city’s rich heritage, featuring a stunning interior design concept by CCD (Cheng Chung Design [HK]), and inspiration from French and Cantonese “Art de Vivre.”


“We are excited to present Sofitel Foshan, where we form a cultural link and create a story through the property’s interior design and décor,” said Olivier Larcher, General Manager of Sofitel Foshan.


Founded by Mr. Joe Cheng, CCD specializes in hospitality design, with an elite team with a diverse background and technological expertise to create a hotel that blends the best of Chinese and French styles with furniture and interior design that represents the Lingnan culture’s free spirit and confidence, and honors prestigious French monuments and icons.




佛山罗浮宫索菲特酒店将于201771日正式开业,是雅高酒店集团旗舰品牌------索菲特酒店与度假村在广东佛山开设的首家酒店酒店位于中国家具商贸之都------顺德乐从罗浮宫国际家具博览中心比邻而居。酒店将现代风尚与佛山的悠久历史与文化完美结合,其美轮美奂室内设计香港郑中设计事务所(Cheng Chung Design)操刀更以法式及粤式“生活艺术”(“Art de Vivre”)为灵感源泉,为客人打造奢华精致的下榻体验


佛山罗浮宫索菲特酒店总经理Olivier Larcher先生表示佛山罗浮宫索菲特酒店将于今夏隆重揭幕,我们对此充满期待我们将通过酒店精致优雅的室内设计和装潢布置打造浓郁文化气息,抒写不朽的酒店传奇


负责酒店室内设计的香港郑中设计事务所由香港著名设计师郑忠(Joe Cheng)先生一手创立,专营酒店设计事务。该事务所拥有一支背景多元、技艺精湛的精英设计师团队,为佛山罗浮宫索菲特酒店的室内设计融汇中法设计之典范,其匠心呈现的一系列精选家具及室内装潢设计不仅体现了岭南地域文化中的自由精神与自信同时也向法国享有盛誉名胜地标代表人物致礼。
